March 26, 2025

Archives for November 2007

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0009 with Wayne “The Train” Hancock

Wayne “The Train” Hancock

It is that time again, another episode of It Burns When I Pee! This time we climb aboard and take a ride with the legend himself, Wayne “The Train” Hancock. We also are going to premier our newest phony phone call entitled “Family Video”. We are also going to replay our first ever phony phone call from Episode #3. We have all new ads and of course we have Cheyenne. As for music, we crammed this episode with a bunch of great independent music that has been sent in to us. We are going to be playing The Wild Boars, Rachel Brooke, Jake Penrod, and Carmen Lee and the Tomorrow Two. If that wasn’t enough we have a special Wayne Hancock giveaway, an update on the IBWIP fantasy football team, and BIG NEWS about our upcoming compilation album to raise money for the Hank Williams Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. So grab your ticket and head over to for a great ride with It Burns When I Pee. Download the show and check out past episodes as well.

It Burns When I Pee…Pissing on the steps of corporate Nashville!

Episode #10 Joe Buck (release date 12/7)
Episode #11 HankCash Record Release Party (release date 12/28)

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0009