March 26, 2025

Archives for February 2009

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0024 “Cupid Killers”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0024 “Cupid Killers”

We put our own personal spin on that pathetic commercial holiday known as Valentines Day. Get Your Hank On Studio was packed as Blake, Norma Jean, Creepy Guy, and our new buddy Jahshie P (from Outlaw Radio Chicago) set up shop behind the mic and cranked out EP24 “Cupid Killers”. Heck we even had Destiney standing watch over the crew.

In this episode we give you what you all have asked for: MORE MUSIC! We play tunes from Split Lip Rayfield, Hank 3, Johnny Cash, Porter Hall Tennessee, The Steeldrivers, Bob Wayne and the Outlaw Carnies, and many more. We are even going to premiere “Blake’s Song” which was written by our very own host Blake Clayton and preformed by his out of state crush Little Lisa Dixie.

Our great friend Howard, from The Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, wrote and produced this months skit called Open Crotch Necklace. We thank Howard for doing all the work on this skit because we know how it would have ended up if Blake would have wrote it. HA HA HA! We also have a couple of voicemails from some of our fans, and a special song by Blake’s niece, and of course Norma Jean is going to read some fan feedback (we tried to have her do it before the booze kicked in but…). We also call Creepy Guys girlfriend on the phone… Sarah Bear was so excited she couldn’t even talk!

We talk about some new albums that are coming out in the next few months, some shows that IBWIP will be attending in March, and Norma Jean unlocks the secrets of her SEX DRAWER! It was a great time and the live vidstream, “Pee-A-Vision” turned out really good as well.

Come on in to the dirty stalls of IBWIP and join us as we stick the middle finger up at POP COUNTRY and Valentines Day!

Don’t forget to get those camera’s out folks… you gotta get in on this months giveaway!

Hot Links To Other Stuff From EP24
Outlaw Radio
Big G’s Texas Roadshow
How To Break Up On Valentines Day
Dog House Booking
Bloodshot Records
ANTI Records
Blue Yodel Records
Redboy Podcast
Photo’s from EP24 Recording Session (banned by Myspace!)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0024

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0022 (02/20/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0022 (02/20/2009)

“The Future?…It’s All Ready In Progress”

This show will mark the 1st anniversary of The Bootleg Asylum Radio Show getting podcasted at Section_86.  Thanks for all your the support and we are looking forward to this year of great music!

This week featuring a very cool 40 minute bootleg set of Guit-Steel music from the great Junior Brown recorded in San Fransisco in 1993 {great set list}. Also i feature two 4 song blocks of music, One from Dwight Yoakam and the other is a kick ass band from Texas called Pumpjack!

Other artists on this weeks B.A.R.S. All Request Friday Night include: ZZ Top, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Thee Merry Widows, Sammytown Jones, Two Tons Of Steel, Molly Hatchet, Joecepus and the GJM, Slow Gun ShoGun, Crestlers, plus many more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0022

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0021 (02/13/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0021 (02/13/2009)

“Real Music is hard to explain, but you know it when you hear it”

This bootleg was recently recorded at the White Crow Conservatory in Saginaw, Michigan featuring J.B. Beverly and the Wayward Drifters with many songs from their new album on Helltrain Records entitled “Watch
America Roll By”.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Other artists on this weeks B.A.R.S. All Request Friday Night include: Lamitte and the Other Fingers Band, Chaos Theory, Erik Koskinen Band, Red River Revival, Gin Palace Jesters, Mountain, Cuzin’ Wildweed, Zane Campbell, Camptown Ladies, G.G. Allen and the Criminal Quartet, Double Eagle Standard, and Four Year Bender.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0021

Creative Tragedy Episode #0006 “Remember When Movies Were Good?”

In this installment, Aaron talks about the current state of the movie industry and what can be done to fix it. Be sure to check back in the next coming weeks as we will try to get this show out on a regular schedule with many different topics on entertainment news, tech, comics, games and more!

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! CT Episode #0006

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0020 (02/06/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0020 (02/06/2009)

“Hard Working People Enjoy Hard Working Bands”

Broadcasted on WLLZ (the WHEEL) in 1984 from Harpo’s in Detroit, Michigan. This is a great show with Bachman-Turner Overdrive LIVE in the MotorCity; a classic blue collar rock!

Other artists on this weeks B.A.R.S. All Request Friday Night include: Hank III, Leslie West, Tuff, Jackyl, Side Alley Blues Band, Ingham County regulars, Smokestack Brewery, Buck Owens, Derailers, Gus Lambrose and Electric Mud, Zane Campbell, SwampSlide, plus more…..

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0020

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0019 (01/30/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0019 (01/30/2009)

“Careful With That Metal, It’s Heavy

This featured bootleg set was recorded on 1/17/09 @ the Wacovia Center in Philadelphia, PA. METALLICA Live!  A+++ quality soundboard capture. From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Other artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: Buzzkill, Exodus, Megadeath, Motorhead, Rot Gut Likker, Rule Of Reason, Rose Tattoo, Sleep, Tool, Wasp, plus more..!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0019