March 26, 2025

Archives for July 2010

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0043 “Remember That One Time”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0043 “Remember That One Time”

On this episode of It Burns When I Pee we turn the table around and poke fun at ourselves. Blake, Uncle Bubba, and Mrs. Bubba tell some embarrassing tales about one another. These stories include fire, running over people, poor safety patrol, and custom car painting. Of course nothing tops the NEWEST and most embarrassing story in IBWIP history! It’s amazing what Blake will do to reach 400 fans.

Episode 43 “Remember that one time…” also features NEW music from Slackeye Slim, Slate Dump, and Big Jugs. We also spin tunes from The Calamity Cubes, The .357 String Band, The Bastards of Apocalypse, Joey Henry’s Dirty Sunshine Club, and Skid Row! At the end of the show we also feature a short interview with the guys from The Calamity Cubes when they were in town in June.

We are also proud to announce that IBWIP has two new employees. Diva Dave and Encyclopedia Billy’s lives will never be the same! We also read some fan feedback, give an update on where Cocker has been hiding, and end the argument of who is going to read the contact information. Also, Blake decides he is one of the Beatles, plays the trumpet and Mrs. Bubba gets cocky with her new found podcasting fame.

Links and more: Diva Dave, Encyclopedia Billy, Cocker’s Photo Album (Updated), IBWIP & The Calamity CubesBottom’s Up, and Chevy Citation.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0043

IBWIP, Blake, Mrs. Bubba, Uncle Bubba, Slackeye Slim, Slate Dump, Big Jugs, The Calamity Cubes, The .357 String Band, The Bastards of Apocalypse, Joey Henry’s Dirty Sunshine Club, Skid Row, Cocker

The White Trash Revival Episode #0054

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0054

On episode 54 I interviewed Joecephus and the George Jonestown Massacre, a great musician from down south who has a new CD out.  Now when I think of the name of his band it brings back haunting memories of my childhood.  I was born to a teenage mother and then given up for adoption.  Well the couple that adopted me Jack and Wilda Cash (relatives to the late great Johnny) eventually joined The Peoples Temple a cult led by Jim Jones.  Well I’m sure y’all know about what happened and from what I was told my brother Jack Jr drank my kool aid because I fell asleep at the suicide rally.  So then the U.S. brought the deceased and the survivors to the Charleston A.F.B. and thatch when my real mother regained custody of me.  Now that is the nightmare not what happened in Jonestown.  Enough of the history lesson get some Jack & Wine and listen to some tunes by: The Switchblade Syndicate, Soda, Dead Elvis & his One Man Grave, Boise Bob & his Backyard Band, Bob Meyer, The Elixers, The Nouveaux Honkies, Chili Cold Blood, Christian Serpas & Ghosttown, Chuck Ragan, The Bad Beers, Stringbean, Mad Marge & the Stonecutters, Rancid Vat, Hacienda Bros., Greenland is Melting, Stellar Corpses, Pumpjack, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0054

Off the Mark Episode #0021

Off the Mark
Episode #0021

Jericho leaving WWE? WWE furious over Michelle McTaker signs? We discuss this along with the Hardcore Revolution going on over at TNA. Plus the recent Money in the Bank PPV and this weeks shows. Stay tuned for all this and more on OTM #21 As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86. On a side note, Andrew’s laptop bit the dust. We apologize for the issue.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0021

The White Trash Revival Episode #0053

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0053

So I had episode 53 done and ready to go and then some bad news came out of The Goddamn Gallows camp I wasn sure what,  but I eventually found out.  I called Darren of Farmegeddeon Records and told him I’m here to help any way I can and I ended up gettin Mikey Classic of The Goddamn Gallows to come on the show and explain what happened and how everyone can help Uriah ” Baby Genius” Baker and Quentin Price members of The Goddamn Gallows.  If you are a friend on Facebook or Myspace, but don’t listen to my show PLEASE listen to this one.  It is the most important show of all.  We as a family in this musical genre need to help our brothers out, so listen up and tune in. Also, on this episode I have an interview with a helluva fncking musician from Portland, Oregon named Caleb Klauder………he is a helluva singer/songwriter not to mention a member of The Foghorn Stringband.  We discuss his new album “Western Country” and other topics so listen up … will not be disappointed.  On this episode we will not only have music by Caleb Klauder and The Goddamn Gallows, but also Uncle Daddy & the Kissin Cousins,  The Sweetback Sisters,  Darren Deicide,  The Blue Valley Boys,  Mark Stuart & the Bastard Sons,  Planet Zydeco,  Whitney Mann,  Bloodshot Bill,  Jimmy Martin,  Sasquatch & the Sickabillys,  Mike Penny & his Moonshiners,  Hank Ray,  The Mother Truckers,  Bourbon Crow,  and we got a song off the new Cd by Trampled by Turtles.  So tie that belt around your arm oh so tight and plunge that vascular nectar threw your veins and enjoy this episode you white trash mother fncker.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0053

Off the Mark Episode #0020

Off the Mark
Episode #0020

This week we talk about last weeks TNA PPV and next weeks WWE PPV.  We talk in depth about the Nexus angle and go over the happenings in all the shows for WWE and TNA.  Plus, we have rumors on who is behind Nexus.  Is it Jericho or someone else?  As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86. On a side note, there are some audio issues that have been corrected. We apologize for the issue.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0020

Off the Mark Episode #0019

Off the Mark
Episode #0019

As they say, better late than never. This weeks episode is short on substance but rich in content.  We go over the Season 2 NXT rookies in our weekly topic and discuss the usual topics as we do each and every week.   As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0019

The White Trash Revival Episode #0052

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0052

Alright hell billies on episode 52 here our guest will be Adam Lee Cogswell from the band Cogswell. If you don’t know him you will after this, because you gonna want to have his music in your collection. This episode is going to be like the time when you was getting ready to start kindergarten and your mom took you to safety city. You know what safety city is ……its where the cops teach you about rules to be safe when starting school……anyway remember how mom didn’t know she had a warrant for her arrest and the cops went to arrest her and there was a scuffle. Remember when the cops grabbed her and her tittie popped out and all the kids squealed with delight so they let go of her to cover her up, but that’s when she clocked one and knocked his ass out and then we had to run like hell out of there and stay with that biker gang til shit blew over. GOOD TIMES like this episode because on here we have music by: Flatfoot, Fountain City Ramblers, Whalebone Farmhouse, Hellbilly Club, Nathan Payne, Jason Webley, The Legendary Shack Shakers, Big Jugs, The Staggerers, Swindle P. Hurst, The Sunsets, Lazy Brad Lewis, The Groovy Rednecks, Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, and Viva Le Vox.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0052

The White Trash Revival Episode #0051 “The Trials & Tribulations of Bob Wayne”

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0051 “The Trials & Tribulations of Bob Wayne”

Episode 51 “The Trials & Tribulations of Bob Wayne” is a whole episode of Bob Wayne. It consists of music of the outlaw carnie and an in depth interview done by Karen the Queen of White Trash. In this interview, you will REALLY get to know Bob Wayne. Find out about his life as a teen to addiction,a rock band he started to befriending Hank III, and find out about his new record label to his upcoming movie career. If you don’t walk away from this interview really knowing Bob Wayne then your ass is deaf or just plain stupid. You will not get a more in depth interview then this one right here folks. Hats off to you Karen.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0051