March 26, 2025

Archives for August 2010

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0044 “Ridin’ The Short Bus”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0044 “Ridin’ The Short Bus”

It’s that time of year when kids pack up their new back packs for that first day of school. Now all you parents out there have went all over the city to get all the correct supplies,  forked out tons of money for new cloths, new shoes, and book fees. It Burns When I Pee is here to put a smile back on your faces. On EP44 we have our first ever special guest host, Joey Fuckup from Cheap Beer and BBQ Radio. Thanks to the SKYPE we were able to join together and do the show. Joey did a great job for only finding out he was going to co-host 3 hours before the show.

In this episode Joey and I tell some stories from our days in school. We also call BJ and Nicole, via SKYPE, and talk to them about their time with Cocker during his stay with them. It was cool as hell to have them on the show. We also wish Nicole a happy birthday in typical IBWIP fashion!

Our featured interview is with Slackeye Slim and Joe Perreze, who we got to sit down with recently when they played a show at Bottom’s Up in Pekin Illinois. They talk about their new CD, and we also spin a couple tunes from it. We also feature music from The Rubber Knife Gang, Joecephus and The George Jonestown Massacre, U.S Bombs, Red Eye Junction, and Van Halen.

So come hang out and forget about all the hours that your going to spend helping with your kids do math homework.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0044

Off the Mark Episode #0026

Off the Mark
Episode #0026

In this weeks episode,  we fire Serena and Homicide, bring back Samao Joe from suspension, don’t allow NXT wrestlers to wrestle, and go over Andrew’s Top 10 Factions.  As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86.  If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0026

The White Trash Revival Episode #0058

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0058

Episode 58 welcomes back Karen the Queen of White Trash as she travels to a land far away to get me an interview. Karen goes all the way to Germany and interviews Heinrich of Heinrich XIII and the Devilgrass Pickers. Its hard to believe in a land that loves David Hasslehoff that we can find some really good honky tonkers like these boys. Also on the show I have a CD review by the group Big Jugs and they’re new CD “Its Ok” so be sure to have a listen if yuns a fan of Big Jugs. On this episode I will have music by Chip Hanna & the Berlin Three, The Deadstring Brothers, Bob Urh & the Bare Bones, Two Cow Garage, Jerry Lee Lewis, Country Dick Montana, Chuck’s Wagon, Antic Clay, Phantom of the Black Hills, The Bluegrass Boogiemen, Johnny Cash, Gogol Bordello, Those Poor Bastards, Jawbone, and Monroe Crossing.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0058

Creative Tragedy is returning!!!

Creative Tragedy is returning later next month! Creative Tragedy 2.0 will be covering movie reviews and conventions. Creative tragedy has partnered with different movie studios to screen movies weeks and sometimes months in advance. We have also partnered with conventions in the Pacific Northwest. Creative Tragedy 1.0 was fun but 2.0 will bring you more of what you love. Follow us on for more information about our upcoming shows and announcements.

-Aaron P

Off the Mark Episode #0025

Off the Mark
Episode #0025

This week we eliminate 2 NXT rookies, bring back Daniel Bryan, and talk about Aaron’s Top 10 Wrestling Factions EVA.  As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.  We apologize for releasing the show late.  AP was working Gnomedex and we were unable to record.  Thanks for understanding!!!

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0057

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0057

Episode 57 features an interview with Tex Troester of the Groovy Rednecks.  For those of you that never heard of the Groovy Rednecks they are from Hollywood Califuckinfornia.  They’ve been a band for nearly 20 years and have well over 600 shows together…..not many bands can say that.  Now the reason you may not have heard of ol Tex and his band is because they’ve never really toured except for one time when they spent a couple of weeks in Europe.  I really like the Groovy Rednecks and how often can you find some real deal honky tonkers in Hollywood.  Tex should have his liver retired and be inducted into the Drinkers Hall of Fame, he consumes beer by the gallons before,during, and after each show.  Tex reminds me of the uncle everybody has that shows up to whatever family gathering with a new girlfriend every time and gets shit faced drunk and pukes in the punchbowl, shits his pants, and gives you $10 to beat the phuck outta your brother.  You know the uncle you looked up to and wanted to be like when you got older.  So roll ya a fat one or bang ya a fat one and sit back and listen to tunes by Roadside Revival, Honky Tonk Zeros, The Bonneville Barons, Justin Case & the Sorry Sinners, Patterson Hood, Bill Fadden & the Rythym Busters, The Foghorn Stringband, Toxic Ghost Parade, Jake & the Burtones, The Dead Cats, Country Joe McDonald, The Downtown County Band, Disco Lepers, Hells Fire Sinners, and Prophet & the Cowboys of the Appocalypse.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0057

Off the Mark Episode #0024

Off the Mark
Episode #0024

PWI’s Top 500, Samoa Joe suspended and WWE signs the ROH Champion. RAW and Smackdown prepared for SummerSlam and on NXT they lose another rookie and TNA’s going home show was full of great matches. All of this plus our review of HardCORE Justice and the lead up to SummerSlam. As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0024

The White Trash Revival Episode #0056

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0056

On episode 56 the featured guest is Curtis Eller……and for those of you that don’t know who he is…..well, for the most part he is a one man band. Just Curtis and his banjo. Picture this its the 1800’s and you walk into any saloon U.S.A. and the entertainment on stage well there he is folks that’s Curtis Eller. Curtis Eller could also be an extra in Gangs of New York, But beating your ass with a banjo instead of a club. How often can you get a history lesson when listening to music and it still be cool? Well with Curtis that is what happens. So sit back and open up some Jamessons and get to know Mr Eller, and also hear some great tunes by Foddershock, Dog Bite Harris, Edwin Clarence Graves, Ronnie Hymes, Barbecue Bob & the Spareribs, Thee Merry Widow, Kelly Thomas & Ryan Malot, Whiskey Daredevils, Bluemoon Rising, Graveyard BBQ, Western Electric, The Winchester Brothers, Buffalofitz, Kathy Boyd & Phoenix Rising, and Christophe.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0056