March 29, 2025

Archives for August 2010

Off the Mark Episode #0023

Off the Mark
Episode #0023

Title’s change hands, Wrestlers return and Heel Turns on WWE. Meanwhile TNA prepares for their ECW themed PPV.  Plus our weekly topic will be focused on FCW and NXT.  As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86.  If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email @ OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0023

The White Trash Revival Episode #0055 “The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow” Episode

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0055 “The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow” Episode

The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow is like a carnival or band of gypsies traveling from town to town.  Its exciting , but yet oh so bizarre.  They travel from town to town trying to sell the locals they’re snake oil that cures everything.  They travel in vans with pitbulls for car alarms.  For me the scene takes place at a dingy basement bar called Bernie’s Distillery located on the campus of Ohio State University.  It was dark and dingy just the way I like it.  All the bands were fncking awesome and very down to earth.  They mingled with the patrons while they waited to play they’re set.  The Squiddling Bros. sideshow brought the bizarre between each set.  And the music was phenomenal a little bit of everything for everybody with Holy Roller Sideshow, Guitar Bomb, Hick’ry Hawkins, Jason & the Punknecks, and Viva Le Vox.  On this Episode I will have an interview with the mastermind behind the Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow………Ben…..yeah that’s right JUST Ben.  Also I have interviews and music by Polly Punkneck, Guitar Bomb, Hick’ry Hawkins, And Viva Le Vox.  I will also have music on the show by The 3 Kings, The Judy Chops, 16 Horsepower, Hillstomp, Merle Haggard, and D.B. Cooper and the Hard Cash Band.  I almost forgot I also interviewed Sasquatch’s kid brother Artie Elmer, he slaps bass for the punknecks.  If this show rolls through your town at least go to see the burlesque dancers you wont be sorry.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0055

Off the Mark Episode #0022

Off the Mark
Episode #0022

Is there heat between the WWE and Shawn Michaels?  Is TNA set to do a FREE PPV?  Does anyone listen to our show?  We discuss all this plus the 10 worst storylines in wrestling history on this weeks OTM.  As always be sure to follow us on the twitter @OfftheMark86. On a side note, Andrew’s laptop is back and ready to record!

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0022