March 26, 2025

Archives for January 2012

Off the Mark Episode #0098

Is 3D a real possibility for Summerslam or is the WWE just trying to compete with UFC?   Evan Bourne is basically on his way out and Jericho FINALLY speaks.  Impact Wrestling is a bust with the advancement of their story lines.  We go over the latest Wrestling news for WWE and TNA plus We go over Andrew’s top 5 wrestlers likely to win the Royal Rumble. As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew @ahughes86, and Aaron @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0098

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0057 “Hay Is For Horses, Loveless Is For You”

2012 is going to be a big year for IBWIP and it starts with our first episode of the year. In this episode we feature an interview with Bloodshot Records recording artist Lydia Loveless. In the interview we discuss the new album, Indestructible Machine, as well as her song writing process. We also talk about the inspiration for her song “Steve Earle” as well as a bunch of other topics.

Besides playing a triple shot of Lydia, we also spin tunes from The Meat Purveyors, Scott H. Biram, Wayne “The Train” Hancock, Scroat Belly, Mekons, Justin Townes Earle, and Dexter Romweber Duo. All these artists have been or are a part of the Bloodshot Records catalog. But we don’t stop there. As always we bring you some great laughs as well.

In this episode we continue our new segment, “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things.” This is a don’t miss! Amish BJ updates us on Christyfest, drinks a 4 Loco, and fights with Mr. Ed for air time. Our darling Coldbeer Coley continues to get  more comfortable with each passing show. 3…2…1…CONTACT! She reads Fan Feedback, admits she likes to ride “horses” and her Mr. Ed story is actually a short one! Blake realizes he is an asshole, gets interviewed for his presidential campaign, and confesses he is a “minute man”.

Come on over to the all new and download episode 57. Tell your friends, family, and enemies where you find the best podcast on the interweb.

Links from this episode: Guy who “loves” horses, Stupid People Doing Stupid Things Video, Bloodshot Records, 4 Loko

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0057

Kewanee Sports League Episode #0054 S09E14

Welcome to Season 9 Episode 14 of the Kewanee Sports League podcast. Andrew, Brian, Jon O., and Aaron go over the results of Week 16 in KSL and the 1337 league. We also check out what is happening over at the survival and pick ’em leagues to see who is the top dog. Finally, we talk about what is happening with the biggest NFL news of the week. Check back after the Superbowl for the KSL Draft results and much more! This show was taped on January 23rd, 2012.

Kewanee Sports League 2011 and 1337 Kewanee Sports League 2011

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! KSL Episode #0054 S09E14

The White Trash Revival Episode #0075

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0075

Episode 75 is gonna hit ya and hit ya hard……..not like if you was in prison and getting hit in your ass by your cellie, but hit hard like a pillowcase full of broken bottles…… kinda like a mexican street fight. Maybe this episode won’t even hit you hard because you’ve been getting hit hard since the 4th grade by ol’ grandad for penny candy a pop. Honestly if it hits you hard or not who cares …..just grab some of your favorite swill and enjoy the tunes by: Ol’ Red Shed, 13 to the Gallows, 16 Horsepower, 100 Damned Guns, Adam Lee and the Dead Horse Sound Company, 800 lb Gorilla, Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash, The Cowslingers, Bourbon Crow, Izzy Cox, Jared Thomas Lord, and Hawgjaw.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0075

Off the Mark Episode #0097

Off the Mark
Episode #0097

Suspensions and injuries are plaguing the WWE. TNA is gearing up for their PPV and Roode is poised to take on his former partner or Jeff Hardy. We go over the latest Wrestling news for WWE and TNA plus We go over Aaron’s top 5 wrestlers likely to win the Royal Rumble. As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew @ahughes86, and Aaron @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0097

The White Trash Revival Episode #0074 “The One Man Band Show”

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0074 “The One Man Band Show”

Alright folks its time for Donnie Fncking Cash to jam something down your throat…… its not his stiff jizz wand, its another great episode of The White Trash Revival. This here is the one man band episode and them fellas doin there music is like me and sex …..where they are a one man band between the sheets im a one man and hand. I cant even buy sex from my wife, but enough about my problems on this show we got tunes by Lonewolf OMB, Ben Prestage, Bloodshot Bill, Honkyfinger, Dead Elvis One Man Grave, Ghostwriter, Haunted George, Pete Yorko, Reverend Deadeye, Right on John, El Paso Hot Button, Guitar Fncker, Lonesome Joseph, Sherrif Perkins, Train Wreck Washington, One Man Hand, Johnny Cancer, Wolfboy Slim & His Dirty Feets, and Stompin Nick & His Blues Grenade.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0074

Off the Mark Episode #0096

Off the Mark
Episode #0096

Edge and the Four Horsemen are going to be in the Hall of Fame, but Chris Benoit will never make it.  The Rock WILL be on Raw until Wrestlemania and Batista might be making a comeback.  Brodus Clay, the Funkasaurus, FINALLY makes his debut and Jericho cries to the fans.  Gotta love Jericho as a heel.  Genesis comes and goes with Austin Aries retaining.  Impact had Storm and Angle wrestling for the #1 contender.  This weeks topic is about the delay of the WWE Network.   As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew @ahughes86, and Aaron @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR at reply us on the twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0096

The White Trash Revival Episode #0073

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0073

Alright folks this is episode 73 for The White Trash Revival now thats alot of shows for an internet podcast. Although with 73 episodes under my belt Im still not considered a radio host, but perform oral copulation on a police officer ONE TIME to get out of a D.U.I. and your forever known as a co_k sucker. Talk about unfair and thats why they invented booze because life sucks so you might as well drink and while you do you need good music. I have you covered so on this episode we play Lydia Lovelace, Dale Watson and the Texas Two, Pharis & Jason Romero, The Dixons, Western Electric, Kelly Thomas, The Fallmen, The Goddamn Gallows, The Armadillos, Swindle P Hurst, Scissormen, Red Jenkins, Mountain Sprout, and J.W.W. & The Prospectors.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0073