March 26, 2025

Archives for March 2015

Off the Mark Special #017 “Wrestlemania 31 Wrap Up Show”

On this SPECIAL episode, we talk all things Wrestlemania 31. Andrew, Aaron, Doug, Roger, and Dave go over the all the matches and our thoughts on what should have happened.  We also go over our picks and how we did.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #SP017 WM31

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Off the Mark Episode #0261

In case you missed it, check out our Wrestlemania preshow with Andrew, Aaron, Doug, and Travis.

The final Hall of Fame inductee has been announced and Brock makes his decision with the WWE.  We also discuss Perro Aguayo Jr. passing away, in the ring, after taking a simple bump.  RIP Perro.  On WWE programming this week, we discuss the Wrestlemania build up and our thoughts on who “player 1” should be.  On TNA programming, Jeff Hardy returns and the tag team tournament begins.  For our weekly topic,  Aaron talks about his experience at the Mick Foley comedy show.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0261

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IBWIP Episode #0188 “Walla Rock”

In this episode Locks of Love Jason, Intern Heather, Blake, and The Voice discuss some fan feedback that upset Blake. We also have the 6th installment of the IBWIP Spaghetti Western during which Blake can’t keep it together. During celebrity birthdays Dustin sings the intro and Blake finds out his list is deadly.

We welcome Mara Moonstone to the show. She talks about her holistic healing rocks, The Walla Rock, and tells the listeners how they can get one. Dustin wants to rename crazy straws, and Jason fights to keep Dustin and Blake in control during the interview. I believe there are about 48 “rock puns” during the interview. We also spin music by Rachel Kate as well as Lonesome Wyatt and Rachel Brooke.

*** Remember to head over  to Craft and use promo code IBWIP to get 10% off items in their online store and 20% off your first months subscription ***

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0188

Off the Mark Special #016 “Wrestlemania 31 Preview”

On our 6th annual WrestleMania special we have 2 special guests (Doug Hahn and Travis Peterson) on to go over the matches and our predictions for this years WrestleMania. We go in depth on the outcomes of what may happen as well as the storylines that will take place afterwards.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #SP016 WM31

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Off the Mark Episode #0260

WWE marches on to the biggest PPV of the year and we talk about a few of the biggest matches and the outcomes for each of them. Over at TNA, we discuss the World Title picture as well as last week’s bloody hair vs hair match. In the news, we find out the newest Hall of Famer and discuss a potential new member of creative.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0260

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IBWIP Episode #0187 “Drunken Squirrel”

Blake, Intern Heather, Locks Of Love Jason, and The Voice gather around the kitchen table and bring you another entertaining episode. Blake talks about shooting a gun with Big E, and talks about his awesome surprise birthday party that Mollz threw for him. The one and only Joseph Huber played and Blake’s brother got drunk and Heather confesses that she has never been to a strip club.

During IBWIP News Bulletin Heather tells us about a drunk squirrel, powdered alcohol, and wet wipes. During Chap Dat Ass Jason vents about Daylight Savings Time, Dustin doesn’t wanna share his toilet, Heather wants people to have social grace, and Blake feels like Frogger dodging cars to get to cross the street. We also touch on Dustin’s other nickname “Vitamin D” and Heather thinks about buying some juicy underwear.

Finally we bring back Punch It Up where Jason gives everyone the chance to be a late night talk show host. During the game Dustin goes out of turn and everyone has to sing the outro song. Music by Molly Gene and The Monads.

*** Remember to head over  to Craft and use promo code IBWIP to get 10% off items in their online store and 20% off your first months subscription ***

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0187

IBWIP Episode #0186 “Virtually Laughless”

Intern Heather, Blake, and Locks Of Love Jason dive into a special “no show lineup” episode. There is no outline and no idea what they are going to talk about.

Heather  starts by discussing her venture into the mad science world of research medicine. More specifically a birth control patch. She is hoping to make a little cash and get a little strange on the side.

We talk about Blake masterbating to Grace Under Fire, and what Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, and Adolf Hitler have in common. The talk of Spring come up and Blake admits he would stab Jason or Heather just to be able to wear some shorts and see the sun. Heather calls out her friend Claire from California and admits that she wants so slap her in a very special way.

Jason tells us about the time he went to the zoo alone, Heather goes to a mexican restaurant alone, and Blake talks about his first time getting sober and being alone.

Finally Heather ends the show with an entertaining story about how she loves to go dancing and tries to help a lady with her short short skirt showing her stuff

*** Remember to head over  to Craft and use promo code IBWIP to get 10% off items in their online store and 20% off your first months subscription ***

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0186

Off the Mark Episode #0259

So we FINALLY talk about Total Divas, because of the Bellas Contracts being up for renewal.    On WWE programming this week, AXELMANIA runs wild on… well, he was there losing.  Undertaker is not shown, but he accepts Brays challenge.  Mark Henry returns and Daniel Bryan talks the IC belt up..  This week we discuss the NJPW show on AXS TV.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0259

AD – Be Sure you Check Out: