March 6, 2025

Archives for 2015

IBWIP Episode #0217 “Big E The Butcher”

Blake, Intern Heather, Jason and Big E. discuss the following topics: Jason’s happy, Blake’s drug test experience, Blake and Mollz on S-n-M Radio, Bee stings, IBWIP News: Disney bans guy for life, Catfishing, Sword Princess, Let’s Get Personal, Blake’s List: Free Food, Sexy prego girl, Hi Munchkin, Eli makes an appearance, Big E butchers jokes, and Heather doesn’t like apostles.

Music By: Beneath The Crow and Them Vibes.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0217

Kewanee Sports League Episode #0108 S14E03

Welcome to Season 14 Episode 3 and number 108 in the series of the Kewanee Sports League podcast. Andrew, Brian Schoutteet, Doug Hahn, Erik VanHyfte, and Aaron go over Week 2 in KSL. We then preview Week 3 in KSL.  We also check out what is happening over at the survival and pickem leagues to see who is the top dog. Finally, we talk about what is happening with the biggest NFL news of the week. This show was taped on September 22nd, 2015.

Kewanee Sports League 2015 and Kewanee Sports League Wiki Site.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! KSL Episode #0108 S14E03

The Song: Inside and Out Episode #0010 “East End Blvd”

We are pleased to have this guy on the show. Rusty Knuckles recording artist Husky Burnette comes on the show to talk about re-issuing his latest album, “Tales From East End Blvd” which will feature 4 bonus tracks. During the interview we chat about his song, “East End Blvd” as well as a new album he will be releasing later this year. We also talk about writing songs in the Blues genre, his songwriting process, and of course guitars. We also talk about how he got into playing guitar and his experiences in the recording studio with each album. Husky Burnette the real deal and if you are into blues or roots music he is a must to check out.

Don’t forget if there is an artist who has a song you want to hear about “inside & out” just email us at

Links from the show: The Song Facebook, The Song iTunes, IBWIP Twitter, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TSIAO Episode #0010

Off the Mark Episode #0286

We usually will skip WWE ratings news, but this is pretty BIG news.  On WWE programming this week, the Night of Champions is almost finalized.  Ryback and Kevin Owens decide to wrestle for the IC title on Sunday.  Sting wrestles on Raw and the Divas title is defended on RAW.  On TNA programming this week/month, GFW invades and then leaves; no really GFW just leaves.  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0286

AD – Be Sure you Check Out:

IBWIP Episode #0216 “Coital Combat”

Blake, Intern Heather, The Voice Dustin, and #renamejason discuss the following topics: Blake’s goes into great detail about throwing up and asks each host how they would try to kill him, Who Is You? – Spoiler alert….. Blake is horrible, A Touch of Downs- A new segment for all our fantasy football listeners, and An interview with gossip blogger Katie Curerig.

Music By: Olds Sleeper and Pokey LaFarge.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0216

Kewanee Sports League Episode #0107 S14E02

Welcome to Season 14 Episode 2 and number 107 in the series of the Kewanee Sports League podcast. Andrew, Brian Schoutteet, Doug Hahn, and Aaron go over Week 1 in KSL. We then preview Week 2 in KSL.  We also check out what is happening over at the survival and pickem leagues to see who is the top dog. Finally, we talk about what is happening with the biggest NFL news of the week. This show was taped on September 15th, 2015.

Kewanee Sports League 2015 and Kewanee Sports League Wiki Site.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! KSL Episode #0106 S14E02

The Song: Inside and Out Episode #0009 “Woman”

In my opinion PeeWee Moore is one of the last “American Outlaws” and that is also the name of his new record. This record is jam packed with 16 tracks of everything from trucker songs, honky tonk songs, and of course his song “Woman”. Find out what inspired PeeWee to write the song as well as a train interrupting our interview. He talks a little about his guitar setup and his songwriting process. Also find out how married life is treating him and what he has planned for this fall.

Don’t forget if there is an artist who has a song you want to hear about “inside & out” just email us at

Links from the show: The Song Facebook, The Song iTunes, IBWIP Twitter, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TSIAO Episode #0009

Off the Mark Episode #0285

So there is not a lot of news this week…  So we talk about PPW Paragon Pro Wrestling on POPTV (formally the TV Guide Network).  We also discuss our thoughts on WWE PPVs moving to an earlier time slot; 1, 3, or 5.  On WWE programming this week, we give our thoughts on the Lana/ Ziggler/Rusev, Summer story line.  We then cover the Divas Revolution, Seth Rollins title run improvement, and the New Days place in the Tag Division.  For our weekly topic, we discuss Bryan Alvarez’s comment: “WWE fans today are conditioned to bad TV, so when something mediocre is presented, “this is awesome” chants break out.”  As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at OR @ reply us on twitter.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.
Check out the site for lots of updates! and OTM #0285

AD – Be Sure you Check Out: