March 26, 2025

Archives for September 2023

Off the Mark S14E05 August/September 2023

Andrew, Aaron, Roger, and Doug discuss recent passing of a two Legends and the merger of WWE and UFC. We discuss AEW over the last few months. We go over All in and Out. We cover the recent CM Punk news and other key matches. For our monthly topic, we discuss the launch of AEW’s new show named Collision and how the last 15 weeks have been going. As always be sure to follow the show @OfftheMark86, Andrew Hughes @ahughes86, and Aaron Hughes @aphughes. If there are any topics you guys would like us to talk about, send us an email at, @ reply us on twitter, connect on Facebook, or on Instagram.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

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Twice Upon a Time S03E07 “Dark Hollow”

As the mission begins in Neverland, Gold and Regina give Ariel instructions to contact Belle once she arrives in Storybrooke to retrieve an item that will be useful in their quest to destroy Peter Pan. Regina also gives her a bracelet that she can use for only 24 hours in order to complete her mission and Gold gives her an enchanted sand dollar, instructing her to give it to Belle as she’ll know what it means. While one plan to destroy Pan is placed in motion, another is being plotted inside Neverland, as Neal reveals to Emma and Hook that the coconut shell that showcases the stars in the cave he used to live in is also how they can capture Pan’s shadow, which was how Neal escaped Neverland in the past. He knows where to find one, which is revealed to be Dark Hollow, the darkest place on the island, where the plan is to capture Pan’s shadow by drawing it to the flame inside the shell. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E07

Twice Upon a Time S03E06 “Ariel”

Ariel saves Snow White after she runs off a cliff to avoid capture by the Evil Queen’s guards. Snow later helps Ariel get closer to her love interest Prince Eric, whom she met when saving him from a shipwreck. Ariel is able to meet Prince Eric again at a ball, thanks to a legend that says every year the sea goddess Ursula grants mermaids the ability to walk on land at high tide for twelve hours. As Regina tries to teach Emma Swan how to use magic, Hook arrives to tell David and Mary Margaret that Neal is alive. At first, the trio decided they should keep this a secret from Emma, but unable to keep a secret, Mary Margaret comes clean to Emma. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E06

Twice Upon a Time S03E05 “Good Form”

We are introduced to a young Killian Jones, a lieutenant about to join his brother, Captain Liam Jones, on board. As Liam arrives to welcome Killian, they discuss the mission the King has given him. He gifts Killian with a sextant that will guide them to a strange new land and will bring peace to the kingdom. At Peter Pan’s camp, one of the Lost Boys, Devin, starts to bully Henry, prompting Henry to defend himself with a stick. Pan suggests that they use real swords. He tells Henry that Neverland runs on imagination and belief and so if he closes his eyes and believes he’s holding a real sword, the stick will indeed become one. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E05

Twice Upon a Time S03E04 “Nasty Habits”

In the Enchanted Forest, Rumpelstiltskin comes home with a gift, which is a knife for Baelfire, which belonged to one of his victims. Baelfire doesn’t want gifts; he wants to leave, go out, and have friends. Unfortunately, Rumpelstiltskin insists he cannot leave their house for his own safety since he is now the anointed “Dark One” before he roams off. In the hours upon his return to Neverland, Neal finds himself a prisoner of Felix, but somehow manages to free himself from the bindings and escapes after knocking Felix out. Around the same time at another location, Gold continues to work his magic, when the image of Belle appears to him again, but to warn him that if he is planning to save Henry, it will mean his death. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E04

Twice Upon a Time S03E03 “Quite a Common Fairy”

Having grown tired of taking magic lessons to the point of missing them, as well as feeling unloved by her husband and claiming that she feels like a prisoner, Regina is confronted by Rumpelstiltskin, who is checking on her since she missed her lessons. As the quintet continue their search for Henry, they noticed that the map has somehow changed as it appears that Peter Pan and The Lost Boys are not only one step ahead of them, but are now following them. At Rumpelstiltskin’s castle, Neal looks through his father’s magical items, hoping to find a portal, as he realizes that the only reason that Emma would be in Neverland is because Henry must be the boy Pan was looking for, and he is now trapped there. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E03

Twice Upon a Time S03E02 “Lost Girl”

After Snow White is woken up by Prince Charming and vows to take back the kingdom, the Evil Queen is tipped off by the magic mirror as to where Snow White is, and appears in the village to interrupt their plans to overthrow her. She offers an ultimatum, that Snow renounces the kingdom to her, or she will kill the people closest to her, and makes her point by choking a villager, but without killing him. While searching for Henry, the quintet of Emma Swan, Hook, Mary Margaret, David, and Regina find themselves exhausted from hiking in the island, especially now that the island has changed a lot since Hook left. But later that night, Emma hears something and investigates, and to her surprise discovers Peter Pan, who is anxious to meet the “Savior.” So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E02

Twice Upon a Time S03E01 “The Heart of the Truest Believer”

Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold, and Hook arrive in Neverland aboard the Jolly Roger via the portal from the magic bean. Gold admonishes Emma for not having enough belief, which is essential to have in a place like Neverland, and leaves the party via magic to search for Henry on the island himself. Neal wakes up in the same place where Aurora woke from her sleeping curse, being tended to by her, Prince Phillip, and Mulan. When Neal reveals that he knows Emma, Aurora tries to communicate with Henry through the Netherworld via the sleeping curse. When she is unsuccessful, Neal and Mulan set out for Rumpelstiltskin’s castle, hoping to find something to lead them to Emma and Henry. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4433

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TUAT S03E01