February 22, 2025

Twice Upon a Time S03E21 “Snow Drifts and There’s No Place Like Home”

In the present day, Emma looks happy and sees Mary Margaret holding her baby boy as she prepares for the upcoming coronation even though they haven’t named him yet. Emma remembers she knows how to break a lock by using two spoons, and it works. Later on, Charming catches Snow in the rope trap, although the timeline of their introduction is thrown off, until Hook shows up to say that another woman has his ring. Seconds later, both Emma and Hook land in the Enchanted Forest. It turns out that, while going through the portal, Emma was thinking of her parents’ first meeting, which is how and where they ended up. Emma returns home and gives them a big hug and calls them mom and dad for the second time. Mary Margaret and David learn from Henry’s book that Leia was in fact Emma, and they congratulate their daughter on now officially being one of them: A “fairytale princess”. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

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