March 1, 2025

Twice Upon a Time S04E14 “Unforgiven”

In the Enchanted Forest, pre-first curse, Snow White and Charming ride back to their castle after their honeymoon to discover everyone in town has been struck by a sleeping spell. They call out for Regina, only to have Maleficent appear to admit the spell was her doing. Mary Margaret has a nightmare wherein Maleficent threatens her family; she wakes and finds David sitting on the stairs drinking whiskey, struggling to sleep with the new villains in town. They attempt to come up with a plan to make the Queens leave Storybrooke before their secret is revealed. The following morning at Granny’s diner, Cruella and Ursula remind others of Regina’s formerly wicked ways in front of Henry, prompting Regina to threaten them with expulsion from town. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

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