October 10, 2024

Twice Upon a Time S05E09 “The Bear King”

Back in Camelot, Arthur is desperate for aid in his quest to unite Excalibur, leading him and Zelena to Dunbroch to find an enchanted helm. In flashbacks, King Fergus visits the wood-carving witch in the woods, asking for something that would ensure the longevity of his kingdom. She in turn gives him the helm. In Dunbroch, Merida’s coronation day commences. Just as she’s about to be crowned, the witch appears and demands the helm be returned to her or she’ll cast a bear spell on the entire kingdom. On her journey, Merida recruits the aid of Mulan and Red, the former battle instructor for the princess. When they reach the helm, they are met with opposition from Arthur and Zelena, whom they and members of the clans overpower. Back at the castle, Merida declares she will destroy the helm instead of returning it to the witch. The witch explains that the journey was all a test to ensure that she had the necessary skills to lead the kingdom. The clans unite and Merida is crowned queen. Later, after speaking with the spirit of her father, Merida vows revenge on Arthur, who is revealed to have slayed Fergus. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger.

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