March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0002 with Jake Penrod

Jake Penrod

Well if you can believe it we are actually on Episode #2. I would like to thank all the fans who downloaded the podcast and left message. We are at 150 downloads at the time of this new release. Please make sure and check us out on iTunes as well. Search: Blake Clayton. In this episode we have a funny ass phone message from or pal Alabama (lay off the booze girl). We also have a great interview with Jake Penrod. We spotlight two of his songs Blazing Fires of Hell (performed by Joey Allcorn) and When I Was Dreaming. This guy is country to the bone. We also have information on Hank Williams III summer tour and a shout out to We also give UGT a little air time too. Thanks to Andrew for editing and for hosting the podcast. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Any questions? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0002

About Blake Clayton

Also known as “Self Proclaimed The Podcasting God”, Blake is the creator and host of IBWIP. After failed marriages and a failed business venture in plastic sporks, he found that he had a talent (and a face) for podcasting. He is hoping to strike it rich, he started It Burns When I Pee. Over the years, Blake has become a pioneer in the campaign to promote the Roots music and the artists who create it.


  1. I love how the show is put together. DAMN I talk a lot, but all in all it’s a great show!!

  2. Today I listened to this episode with Jake Penrod for the first time. I love to listen to all the artists who bring the real country music back and I am from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, just a common fan of the music you bring here and want to wish you lots good luck and take care. Also would like to see all of you doin’ live shows in The Netherlands and not only in the USA. If it would be possible, I’d come to see you all and I’d buy a ticket to the USA to see all of you live, but I can’t.
    I could only choose one artist, go to a few shows and then after that I’d had to go back again, knowing that I wanted to see more….
    Thanks to you all who bring the real country music back!
    Best wishes for you all IBWIP!


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