March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0003 with Gary Roadarmel

Gary Roadarmel

It Burns When I Pee only gets better and better and it shows in Episode #3. We have a great interview with Gary Roadarmel from Porter Hall Tennessee. We play a couple of their songs and have a great time with Gary. We also unveil the 1st ever I.B.W.I.P Phony Phone Call. It will have you pissing your pants. It is called Walgreen’s. We also have a lot of other great stuff including a couple voice mail’s from fans and a couple of I.B.W.I.P commercials. Don’t screw yourself over… download this show!

Any questions? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0003

About Blake Clayton

Also known as “Self Proclaimed The Podcasting God”, Blake is the creator and host of IBWIP. After failed marriages and a failed business venture in plastic sporks, he found that he had a talent (and a face) for podcasting. He is hoping to strike it rich, he started It Burns When I Pee. Over the years, Blake has become a pioneer in the campaign to promote the Roots music and the artists who create it.


  1. Blake, you put out another excellent podcast!!! Congrads B!!!

    Andrew –


  1. […] call entitled “Family Video”. We are also going to replay our first ever phony phone call from Episode #3. We have all new ads and of course we have Cheyenne. As for music, we crammed this episode with a […]

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