January 16, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0041

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0041

Episode 41 is jam packed like a fruit truck full of mexicans at the border. The difference here though is this show isn’t packed full of mexicans, it’s packed full of great fncking music for all you trashy white folk. So sit back grab a Colt 45 or your beverage of choice and enjoy the ride into hellbilly bliss. On the show we have music by Ronnie Hymes, Possessed by Paul James, Slim Sandy, Dawn Shipley & The Sharp Shooters, Dust Bowl Cavaliers, Ghost Town Showdown, Christopher Scum, Shouting Thomas Torment, Hillbilly Hellcats, The Chop Tops, Koffin Kats, George & The Hustlers, The Greasemarks, Mrs Mary Ann & The Ragtime Wranglers, Ween, Drive-By Truckers, The Carolina Tarheels, Wade Mainer, Onie Wheeler, George Peagram, Wayne Hancock, Bob Log III, Rattlesnake Deer, and Willie Nelson.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0040

Off the Mark Episode #0009

Off the Mark
Episode #0009

On this weeks episode our hosts discuss the lead up to WWE’s PPV, JR going to TNA and TNAs recent PPV. For our weekly topic we go critique the NXT rookies and talk about which ones have a future in wrestling. Unfortunately for this episode we had major difficulties with recording including a power outage and internet failure. Make sure you check back next week for a new (and hopefully trouble free) episode.  Make sure to follow us on twitter @OfftheMark86 to keep up to date on all things wrestling.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and OTM #0009

The White Trash Revival Episode #0040

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0040

The White Trash Revival Episode 40 has no guests and was done stone cold sober. It will probably be like getting jerked off by a hot chick, but with batting gloves on. That would be ok wouldn’t it? At least it’s a hot chick and not your aunt Marg. You know the one that has a goatee and wears the polyester pants all the time and never wears a bra; even to family reunions. What lacks in the show with Donnie Fncking Cash’s soberness will be made up with the GREAT music. So enjoy the tunes by Legendary Shack Shakers, Not So Good Ol Boys, The Stumbleweeds, Deadmens Suit, Michael & The Lonesome Playboys, Tug Creek Ramblers, God Fearin Snakehandlers, Casey Just & The Psychophonicks, Adrian St. John, Johnny Moonshine, Whiskey Mountain Machine, Shawn Conway, The Wander Lust, The Redneck Boys, Strange Rebel Frequency, Bone Orchard Revival, and Bascom Lamar.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0040

Off the Mark Episode #0008

Off the Mark
Episode #0008

This weeks episode is full of news and events going on in the wrestling world. We discuss the new story lines being developed in WWE and go over the old ones in TNA. Our weekly discussion this week is a big one in which we tackle the idea of the Brand Extension in WWE  Make sure to follow us on twitter @OfftheMark86 to keep up to date on all things wrestling.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and OTM #0008

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0042

On this after school special of an episode, Whiskey Brian is joined by Sal (bassist/vocals) of The Goldstars for a phone interview. Trying his best not to stutter and spit all over the microphone, WhiskeyBrian spins some awesome tracks. There are tunes from The Goldstars, The Hypnotic Chickens, Persian Claws, Wild Billy Childish & The MBE’s, Thee Crucials, The York Brothers, Emptifish, The Types and more! It’s time to dance around your beer can hat and say a prayer they make stronger booze because you’re gonna need it on this episode of Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!

For all your Whiskey N’ Waterbeds needs, don’t forget to check out whiskeynwaterbeds.com, Section_86, and our myspace page. If you haven’t already, add Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Radio on Facebook!

The White Trash Revival Episode #0039

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0039

Remember the first time you huffed a pair of your sister’s friend’s panties? Remember the first time uncle Junior got you to huff that can of gas?  Well episode 39 will be better than both of those firsts; well maybe not the pair of panties, but it’ll still fncking kick ass!!!  This episode has an interview with Pete Yorko; as in Pete Yorko One Man Music Band.  Pete talks about past bands he’s been in and a new cd he’s working on; so check it out.  Also, on the show we got great music from Pint of Happiness’ newest darling Earl Maggard.  Not to mention more music by The New Old Calvary, Shayna Sands, Tweed Schade & the Sugar Daddies, Howard Vokes, Reid Wilson & His So Called Friends, Gayle Lynne & the Hired Hands, Crooked Hook, Lamb Handler, The Revival Preachers, Bob Urh & the Bare Bones, Kilmaine Saints, and The Brimstone Assembly.  So enjoy this show like a hand-job from a grandparent.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0039

Off the Mark Episode #0007

Off the Mark
Episode #0007

On this weeks episode we go over the recent news that has been changing the wrestling world.  We discuss the recent events in WWE and TNA and whether or not they are helping or hurting their story lines.  We wrap up the show by talking about wrestling signs.  Also, if you go to any show and hold up an OTM sign we will give you something special.  Make sure to follow us on twitter @OfftheMark86 to keep up to date on all things wrestling.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and OTM #0007

The White Trash Revival Episode #0038

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0038

Episode 38 is one hell of a hootenanny!  Remember when grandma lost her teeth and her tittie fell out on the tilt-a-whirl at the state fair?  Well this show is better. Donnie Fncking Cash is on location at the Southgate House in Newport,KY for the Lucky Tubb show and ol Donnie gets an interview with Mr. Tubb.  Lucky talks about the cd that will be released later this month.  On this show there will be a cd review for Slim Cessna’s Auto Club’s newest cd “Buried Behind the Barn”.  Also, there will be music by Caleb Klauder, Sam Houston, Jimmy Sweetwater, The Wild Breed Boys, Johnny Mercury, The Columbines, The Hearers, Shawn Waggoner, Long Tall Deb & the Drifter Kings, The Bad Things, The Rumblers, The Cobra-Matics, Long Bone Trio, the Thunderbolt Chorus, Mack West, and Allison Self.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0038