March 26, 2025

Donnie F. Cash

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Andrew Hughes - Host/OwnerThe White Trash Revival Radio Show is a whiskey drenched good time consisting of REAL country music, hillbilly blues ,psycobilly/rockabilly, southern metal , bluegrass , and everything else trashy white folk like.Now as far as the show host Donnie FUCKING Cash, he’s pretty much nothing but a foul mouthed mother fucker that can offend a trucker , a sailor , and a pervert with his venacular.Donnie hails and raises hell in Ohio , but that’s only when his wife ain’t home.In Donnie’s past time he enjoys drinkin hillbilly hoodrats ( a concoction of 24oz of Colt 45 and 24oz of Pabst Blue Ribbon ) eatin ambians and going to carnivals.He’s been known to hang out at interstate truck stops and state park bathrooms.He’s also kind enough to share a needle with a hobo or a 40 oz depending on what day of the week it is or how much money he has in that pocket.Most of all Donnie has an extensive music collection that he is willing to share with yall ….so enjoy MUTHA FUCKAZ………….Whooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!