March 26, 2025

Uncle Bubba

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Matt “Uncle Bubba” FogelmarkUncle Bubba first appeared on the show during Episode 31 with his cocks in tow. Bubba brings along with him his love for cock fighting (he runs an underground cock fighting farm) and “34” houses. The chemistry shown by Blake and Bubba is taking IBWIP to a new level. Bubba has become so popular that when IBWIP launched the Uncle Bubba Cock Fighting Farm T-shirt, the first one sold in less than 30 minutes.

Now, Bubba does have quite a temper on him and he tends to just blow up. Therefore, IBWIP decided to give Bubba his own segment on every show called Bubba’s Two Cents. This gives Bubba a chance to blow off some steam and hopefully stop the inevitable killing spree and jail term that would follow.