March 31, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0078

Episode 78 is going to be like a conjugal visit at a nursing home. Now how nasty is that … bout as nast as this episode minus the big ol wrinkly balls and the dry vaginas. Donnie Fncking Cash is an offensive moron who’s father should have shot him in his mama’s mouth or better yet on the hotel mattress.This episode will go good with some bathtub tequila or a snort of meth so grab either one and enjoy tunes by The Ugly Valley Boys, Volume 5, American Graveyard, Barbecue Bob & the Spareribs, Ben Morris & the Great American Boxcar, Reverend Beatman, Bob Wire, Jack Cade & the Everyday Sinners, Evil Devil, Carmen Lee, Stan Cox, Johnny Nightmare, Alejandro Escavedo, and Slim Cessna’s Auto Club.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0078

The White Trash Revival Episode #0056

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0056

On episode 56 the featured guest is Curtis Eller……and for those of you that don’t know who he is…..well, for the most part he is a one man band. Just Curtis and his banjo. Picture this its the 1800’s and you walk into any saloon U.S.A. and the entertainment on stage well there he is folks that’s Curtis Eller. Curtis Eller could also be an extra in Gangs of New York, But beating your ass with a banjo instead of a club. How often can you get a history lesson when listening to music and it still be cool? Well with Curtis that is what happens. So sit back and open up some Jamessons and get to know Mr Eller, and also hear some great tunes by Foddershock, Dog Bite Harris, Edwin Clarence Graves, Ronnie Hymes, Barbecue Bob & the Spareribs, Thee Merry Widow, Kelly Thomas & Ryan Malot, Whiskey Daredevils, Bluemoon Rising, Graveyard BBQ, Western Electric, The Winchester Brothers, Buffalofitz, Kathy Boyd & Phoenix Rising, and Christophe.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0056