March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0054 “Interview with a Vampire”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0054 “Interview with a Vampire”

Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good… to listen to! It’s the 4th annual IBWIP Halloween episode. In this episode, we have music by The Meat Purveyors, Carmen Lee and The Tomorrow River Two, The Pine Box Boys, Johnny Cash, Those Poor Bastards, Split Lip Rayfield, Whitetrash Whiplash, The Dirt Daubers, Bobby Bare Jr, Hellbound Glory, and more!

In this episode, IBWIP spits out their first album review. We review Bobby Bare Jr. album A Storm, A Tree, and My Mothers Head. We also discuss The Podcasting God Blake Clayton’s new show and We prep for Halloween by exposing Amish B.J’s bad influence on Coldbeer Coley and having an interview with a REAL Vampire! We also talk about Blake and Uncle Bubba’s trip to Vegas, Coldbeer Coley kissing strippers, and wanting us to have people threating to kill us (wouldn’t that be awesome).

And having the Christy’s on the show wouldn’t be complete without some time spent with Liam and Sean. We talk more about Peter’s travels, our new IBWIP T-shirt offical release date, and a whole lot more. Come join the fun and spend the evening with us.

Links from this episode: Silent Storm Design and

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0054

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0049 “Mustachio”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0049 “Mustachio”

Just when you thought we had fell back asleep, It Burns When I Pee is coming at y’all with EP49 “Mustachio” In this episode we launch the career of yet another Christy, Liam starts off the show and does an amazing job. I love that kid!
We also have two great interviews. First we talk with Jason from the Muddy Roots Festival in preparation for the big event. We also have an amazing interview with the one and only Little Lisa Dixie. This interview is unlike any other one that we have ever done. Lisa joins us for a whole segment and tries her best to keep Amish BJ and Blake in line. She also plays a couple songs while kickin it with us on Skype.

As for the music on this episode we play songs from Justin Otto, Joe Huber, James Hunnicutt, The Steakin’ Healys, Justin Townes Earle, Henrick XIII and The Devil Grass Pickers, Brent Amaker and The Rodeo, and a wold premiere song from Last False Hope, as well as a song from Little Lisa Dixie’s new album.

But you hardcore IBWIP fans are asking… what the hell are you and Amish BJ going to talk about on this episode?! Here is just a quick run down of some of the things we touch on: Being Cock Strong, Head Wind, Cocker still missing, our balls, Camp Crusty, BJ’s new feud with Verbal Abuse and Canada, and how Blake and BJ are going to help the love birds and strangers at The Muddy Roots Festival.

Come check out the show and enjoy, or be offended. Either way it’s a good time or your money back!

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0049