March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0056 “Merry F*CKIN X-MAS”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0056 “Merry F*CKIN X-MAS”

In the spirt of the holiday season, we here at IBWIP have wrapped up a great little show for ya’ll. Not only do we have a great face to face interview with The Dirt Daubers (prior to their show at Cantina’s in Pekin IL) but we also have music from Tom VandenAvond, Chelsea McBee, The Ten Foot Polecats, Resta^Rant, Old Sleeper, and The Pogues. We also do an album review for Fred Eaglesmith’s “6 Volts” and spin a couple tunes from the album. And if that wasn’t enough music, we also have a special X-mas song from The Pine Box Boys exclusively from their 2011 X-mas card.

We also have a couple of give-a-ways for our fans. We bring back our new segment “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things” as we talk about a lady getting busted for making METH in a Walmart. For some reason, we burp A LOT in this episode too. In the spirit of X-mas, Amish BJ, Coldbeer Coley, and Blake sing their version of “The 12 Days of X-mas”. There is a negative fan feedback, Blake comes out, and we update Peter’s travels and ChristyFest. Finally Blake announces he is throwing his hat in the the presidential election for 2012.

Come celebrate the holidays with the one and only It Burns When I Pee crew. Merry F*CKIN X-MAS to you all. Enjoy and be safe!

Links from this episode: Meth Cooker, Avril Lavigne, Blake’s Campaign Song, Hillgrass Bluebilly, Pine Box Boys X-mas Cards,,  Sunday Night Round Up.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0056