March 29, 2025

IBWIP Episode #0181 “An Interview with Joshua Krane of Craft Vapery”

We are so glad to welcome Joshua Krane from onto the show. Craft Vapery is the leader in monthly E Juice subscriptions. In the interview “Grandpa Josh” tells the story of why he doesn’t have a middle name, his favorite set-up, and how Craft Vapery got started. We also discuss the rapid growth of the vape industry and it’s future. Joshua talks about all the things that set Craft Vapery above the rest including their rigorous selection process for the juices they use, their focus on personal service, and what they have planned for the future. Blake and Locks Of Love Jason then try to acquire one of his all star staff members by offering him a goat. It’s an entertaining and informative interview.

*** Remember to head over  to Craft and use promo code IBWIP to get 10% off items in their online store and 20% off your first months subscription ***

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0181

IBWIP Episode #0179 “An Interview with Pearls Mahone”

We are honored to finally have the one and only Pearls Mahone on the show. She has a new album, “Echoes From the Prairie” that will be release in February. In the interview we discuss how she got started singing, touring, and how her faith and family are her biggest influences in her life. Of course we also talk about the new album and discuss how it came together and who plays on it. She also talks about her beloved town of Chicago and her plans for 2015. Come on into the dirty stalls and check out this bombshell crooner, the one and only Pearls Mahone.

*** Remember to head over  to Craft and use promo code IBWIP to get 10% off items in their online store and 20% off your first months subscription ***

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0179

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0176 “An Interview with Slackeye Slim”

We are so glad to have our long time friend of the show, Slackeye Slim, back on the program. He has a brand new album, “Giving My Bones To The Western Lands” out now! In the interview we talk about his progression as a musician and songwriter since his 2008 release, “Texas Whore Pleaser” and living in Colorado. We also discuss what Slackeye Slim has been up to since his last release in 2011 and why he is making his new album available for FREE! Join us as we listen to a couple of new songs from the new album and catch up with an old friend.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0176