March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0168 “Advance Copy Dustin”

We help celebrate Bloodshot Records 20th Anniversary by playing music from Corey Branan, Luke Winslow King, and Dex Romweber Duo. Bloodshot has been a great supporter of IBWIP since the beginning and we are honored to help promote their 20 years of hard work.

In this episode we welcome back Mollz to the show. She came in at the last minute to fill in for Whiskey Chaser who had car trouble. In this episode The Voice, Locks Of Love, Mollz, and Blake discuss some recent news articals. Bill Cosby, Jonas Gray, and the “Mother of The Year” who tried to steal booze in her hoo-haa.

Blake discusses more of his assfirmations which really just leads to prove the lack of depth within our panel. We also brought back “Punch It Up” which has the best intro/out on the show and that is about it. Diddling somehow becomes a thing as well.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP), Sleeping With The Radio On Blog, Sleeping With The Radio On Facebook, Taz Co Trade Co

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0168