March 31, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0166 “An Interview with Billy Cook”

We are so glad to be able to release this episode. In the past couple months we have hung out with our featured artist Billy Cook and have gotten to get to know him better. In the interview we discuss Billy’s time playing with Bob Wayne as well as .357 String Band. We also discuss his solo album, “Left To Remember”, as well as his recent tours with Graham Lindsey and The Calamity Cubes. Everything from his song writing process, his tree tattoo, and his high school band “SHIT” is covered as well. Come join us and get to know Billy Cook like you never have before.

Songs Featured: Road Side Cross and Salt and Meat

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0166

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0137 “An Interview with Graham Lindsey”

What do you do when Graham Lindsey sends you a Facebook message and says he has a new album coming out and if you want a copy? Damn right you say HELL YA! Then when he messages you again and says he is coming through town you say, “FUCK YA!” So that is how it got started… I have never been so nervous to do an interview as I was on this one (and it shows). Sure we had Graham on EP63 but that was different, it was over the phone. Here I was sitting right next to, in my opinion, one of the greatest songwriters of our generation. In the interview, we talk about his new album, “Digging Up Birds: A Collection of Rarities and Others”, where the songs came from, and what has kept him busy the last year or so. We also talk about Old Skull, the punk band he was in when he was 12 years old. Graham sets the record straight about a false Wiki Page statement. We talk about him and his wife Tina (who is the most awesome gal in the world!), along with his current tour with Billy Cook. It’s a great interview and I was honored to be able to spend some time with Graham and his wife while they were in town.

P.S. I also learned that I cannot record worth a crap in that huge room at The High Note; so thanks to Brody Wellman of Carrie Nation and The Speakeasy for making that audio listenable.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0137

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0099 “So How Many Benches Do You Rep?”

We are gearing up for the big 100th episode but we don’t short change you the listeners with a half assed EP99. In this episode, Amish Beej, Mute Jacob, and Mollz anchor down the show and bring some great laughs. We play music from Graham Lindsey, Damn The Luck, Rattlesnake Deer, Brett Conlin, and Call Me Bronco.

Also in this episode we welcome in amature wrestler Cock Strong for an interview. Mute Jacob even speaks! Mollz, in her first ever IBWIP co-host roll, tells us about her trip to The Muddy Roots Weekender and Amish Beej and Blake have a special loving moment together. Blake and Mute Jacob go camping and there is another installment of Would You Rather.

If you haven’t heard already, James Hunnicutt and Geoff Firebaugh have recorded their version of The Goddamn Gallows song 47 Crosses and it is available for download for a minimum of $3.00 donation to help Baby Genius and his legal fees. You can send your donation through PayPal to The Goddamn Gallows management and they will send you the MP3. This song is well worth $3.00 and you will be helping out one of our own.

We also announce that will be sponsoring our 100th episode. We will be using the software to record the video of EP100 on May 27th. We will have multiple camera angles so you can get the full experience of IBWIP Studio during the big event. Download the free version of Manycam today and enhance your online video experience for YouTube, Skype, Google Hangout, and much more.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook,  IBWIP Event Calander, iTunes, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0099

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0063 “The Songwriter Series Vol 2”

We continue our songwriter series here at IBWIP by interviewing the amazing Graham Lindsey. In this in depth interview Graham talks about starting out in music at a very young age, his influences, songwriting, and much more. We also spin a new tune from Joe Huber, a song from McDougall, and William Elliot Whitmore.

As for the show, we continue to work out the bugs from DOIN’ IT LIVE! We play another round of Would You Rather were Amish BJ and Coldbeer get help from the fans in the chat room to decide between bestiality or necrophilia. Our old pal Liam makes an appearance on the show, well kinda. We talk a little about Muddy Roots 2012 and Blake’s irritation with emails to make his penis bigger. Of course we join the bath salt craze that is sweeping the nation by doing another installment of Stupid People Doing Stupid Things…. that poor goat.

Don’t forget we always love to hear from our listeners. You can call and leave a voicemail on our dial in number (203) 429-4711 or you can email us at, or Our next live show will be July 9th at 815pm CST at

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0063

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0058 “Be a Pencil not a Crayon”

We are totally pumped about this month’s episode! We were honored to have our good friend James Hunnicutt as our featured guest. In the interview, James talks about his love for Star Wars, his upcoming plans, as well as his reaction to “What Would James Hunnicutt Do”. He also opens up and discusses the sacrifices that come along with being a musician. He also answers some questions that our fans submitted for the interview; one we know that he has never been asked before! Whether you’re a James Hunnicutt fan or not this is a can’t miss interview.

This episode is also special because all the songs played are from Farmaggedon Records artists. We play The Goddam Gallows with Blackeye Vermillion, Highlonesome, Graham Lindsey, Rachel Brooke, Jayke Orvis, The Calamity Cubes, as well as J.B. Beverley. We would have loved to have played songs from all the artists involved with the label but there just wasn’t enough time in the show. Heck, maybe that will just mean we need to have another Farmaggedon special later in the year!

In this episode, Blake announces that he is finally moving out of his “roommates” house, Amish BJ only drinks water, and Coley confesses to trying to cut off BJ’s arm. In honor of James Hunnicutt’s love for Star Wars and it being Valentine’s Day, we have a very special installment of “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things”. You will be amazed at what some people will do for a plastic action figure!

So come hang out and tell all your friends about It Burns When I Pee!

Links from this episode: Farmaggedon Fest, Silent Storm Radio,  Star Wars Killing,  Muddy Roots,  Call & Oats

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0058

The Hank in Chains Show Episode #0021 (12/17/2008)

The Hank in Chains Show
Episode #0021 (12/17/2008)

Episode 21 of The Hank in Chains Show will feature the music of the incredible band, The Drive-By Truckers. Even though they have been classified as a southern rock band, they aren’t exactly mindless stars-and-bars-waving rebs. Patterson Hood, Mike Cooley, and the band may be proud of their roots, but they also aren’t afraid to point out the ugly sides of certain sects of Southern life as well… much like the great Southern gothic writers of decades past. Oh… and the sound of their classic triple-guitar attack never gets old!

Artists/bands on this week’s show include: Nirvana, Jerry Lee Lewis, Graham Lindsey, The Pine Box Boys, BR549, John Fogerty, Stone Temple Pilots, Double Eagle Standard, The Gin Palace Jesters, Buddy Holly, Horse Cave Trio, The Dry County Crooks, and Pearl Jam.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! THICS Episode #0021