March 31, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0068

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0068

This episode right here will be our Thanksgiving episode although there are no references or mentioning of Thanksgiving.  Its only because tomorrow is Thanksgiving that is why this will be our Thanksgiving episode.  I mean why in the hell do we celebrate Thanksgiving as a holiday?  It’s when pilgrims came to this land and raped, pillaged, and murdered the native Americans now is that really something to celebrate?  Well before I get in the show description allow me to give thanks to what I am thankful for……I am thankful that I WAS NOT A FU@KING INDIAN WHEN THE PILGRIMS LANDED ON PLYMOUTH ROCK!!!!!!!!!!  Enough of that , on this episode we got a CD review by Brett Detar and his CD “Bird in a Tangle” if you haven’t heard of him then holy fnck you are missing out.  I will be playing 3 songs off this CD and if you like it you can get it free yes that right FREE,  just download it at  Also on the show we will have music by The Dirt Daubers, Chuck Ragan, Pete Yorko, Greenland is Melting, Ronnie Hymes, Christina Louise, Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band, Hick’ry Hawkins, The Knotwells, Ghoultown, C.W. Ayon, Them Damned Young Livers, The Young Brothers, Hellbound Hayride, American Rust, The Flat Tires, The Gunhands, Dead Elvis, and Haunted George.  So while the family is gathered around the table and right after grace is said then turn on the show get drunk and have a fncked up Thanksgiving ….I know I will.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0068

The White Trash Revival Episode #0055 “The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow” Episode

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0055 “The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow” Episode

The Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow is like a carnival or band of gypsies traveling from town to town.  Its exciting , but yet oh so bizarre.  They travel from town to town trying to sell the locals they’re snake oil that cures everything.  They travel in vans with pitbulls for car alarms.  For me the scene takes place at a dingy basement bar called Bernie’s Distillery located on the campus of Ohio State University.  It was dark and dingy just the way I like it.  All the bands were fncking awesome and very down to earth.  They mingled with the patrons while they waited to play they’re set.  The Squiddling Bros. sideshow brought the bizarre between each set.  And the music was phenomenal a little bit of everything for everybody with Holy Roller Sideshow, Guitar Bomb, Hick’ry Hawkins, Jason & the Punknecks, and Viva Le Vox.  On this Episode I will have an interview with the mastermind behind the Coney Island Cockabilly Roadshow………Ben…..yeah that’s right JUST Ben.  Also I have interviews and music by Polly Punkneck, Guitar Bomb, Hick’ry Hawkins, And Viva Le Vox.  I will also have music on the show by The 3 Kings, The Judy Chops, 16 Horsepower, Hillstomp, Merle Haggard, and D.B. Cooper and the Hard Cash Band.  I almost forgot I also interviewed Sasquatch’s kid brother Artie Elmer, he slaps bass for the punknecks.  If this show rolls through your town at least go to see the burlesque dancers you wont be sorry.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0055