March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0046 “Hollow Wienie”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0046 “Hollow Wienie”

It’s time for the 3rd Annual It Burns When I Pee Halloween Bash! In this episode Blake is joined again by the one and only Amish BJ. What starts out as a Halloween Special quickly turns into talk of kidnapping donkeys, canker soars, and the mysterious disappearance of 150 Facebook fans. BJ and Blake also discuss what Blake needs to do to “Get back the edge”. We get another letter from an attorney during fan feedback, and BJ’s wife interjects to talk about boobies and advises us to get back to talking about Halloween.

And if that wasn’t enough… we have one of the most fun interviews we have ever had on IBWIP. Jakye Orvis, James Hunnicutt, and Rachel Brooke sit down for a little 1 on 3 time with Blake after one of the shows during their tour. This interview is a DONT MISS for sure.  Along the way we will be playing songs from Dog Bite Harris, James Hunnicutt, Disco Lepers, Jayke Orvis, Rachel Brooke, Truckstop Darlin, Johnny Cash, Ronnie Hymes, Sons of Perdition, and Those Poor Bastards.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0046