March 29, 2025

IBWIP Episode #0197 “Seemingly Semen-Covered”

You will see quickly that Intern Heather is still in New York because the fella’s get way out of line. Blake forgets his name, learns a racial slur, and the guys talk about wheeling and dealing. During Debate Club the guys take sides regarding swingers clubs. Jason thinks it would be gross because of the germs and Dustin hopes to see a friend from junior high there.

Locks Of Love Jason, Vitamin D, and Negative Nick chip in and get world renown marriage counselor Dr. Bonner back on the show for a follow up with Molly and Blake as they prepare for their 1st year anniversary. Dr. Bonner gets very in depth with Blake and provides  him with 4 very important keys to making their relationship better, including pouring food on her while she is asleep.

We discuss briefly how everyone got their nicknames, and Locks Of Love Jason gets drunk. Finally in our What’s Up In E-Smoke segment we feature our friends from Ragtime Vapor. We talk about their line of premium juices and how folks can get their hands on them.

We feature music from Jayke Orvis as well as The 10 Foot Pole Cats.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0197

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0159 “ManHardCool”

There is never a dull moment at IBWIP Studio and this episode proves it. In this episode we invite Ryan and Dustin back on the show to help co-host. Jason and Blake have conflicting point of view which leads to our new bit “Debate Club”. The show is interrupted by Stuart Milton who gives Blake the third degree about not being able to sign up for jury duty. That is when all hell breaks loose! I don’t want to ruin it for you but lets just say someone gets arrested and Federal Agent Candycorn brings the show to a complete hault. It’s a must listen to in my opinion. We also spin music from Joey Allcorn, John Howie Jr & The Rosewood Bluff, and Left Lane Cruiser.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0159

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0158 “Herpes of Crafts”

It was very difficult for us to decide what to name this episode. We could have used “Dude, That Sucks” or “High School Locker Room”, but “Herpes of Crafts” won out. We invited “The Voice” Dustin to come back on the show as well as first timer Ryan.  In this episode Jason and Blake are over excited about their new bit intro music, Blake says he has no friends, and Ryan shows off his amazing impersonation of our President. We try out two new bits, “Blake’s Assfirmations” and “Punch It Up”. The guys also decide what they would do with an invisible cloak. We also spin music from The  Hackensaw Boys, Hellbound Glory, and Jayke Orvis!

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0158

The White Trash Revival Episode #0084

Home alone like that handsome little Kevin, but there is nothing to do. The beer is going down forced and slow. I guess I could rub one out to some brazilian tranny porn, but I already did that today……..twice. I absolutely hate it when im a free man for the weekend and there is nothing to do. I think the ol lady and karma are secretly friends and neither one want me to have a good time…..ever. Oh well I guess I’ll just force this beer down my gullet and listen to these tunes by Gogol Bordello, The 357 Stringband, The Porters, Las Pistolas, Wanda Jackson, Redneck Remedy, The Saberjets, Creech Holler, Assjack, Big Jugs, Big One Man Band, Carlos & the Bandidos, Redhill Rats, Mike Bonanza & the Trailer Park Cowboys, and Jayke Orvis.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0084

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0058 “Be a Pencil not a Crayon”

We are totally pumped about this month’s episode! We were honored to have our good friend James Hunnicutt as our featured guest. In the interview, James talks about his love for Star Wars, his upcoming plans, as well as his reaction to “What Would James Hunnicutt Do”. He also opens up and discusses the sacrifices that come along with being a musician. He also answers some questions that our fans submitted for the interview; one we know that he has never been asked before! Whether you’re a James Hunnicutt fan or not this is a can’t miss interview.

This episode is also special because all the songs played are from Farmaggedon Records artists. We play The Goddam Gallows with Blackeye Vermillion, Highlonesome, Graham Lindsey, Rachel Brooke, Jayke Orvis, The Calamity Cubes, as well as J.B. Beverley. We would have loved to have played songs from all the artists involved with the label but there just wasn’t enough time in the show. Heck, maybe that will just mean we need to have another Farmaggedon special later in the year!

In this episode, Blake announces that he is finally moving out of his “roommates” house, Amish BJ only drinks water, and Coley confesses to trying to cut off BJ’s arm. In honor of James Hunnicutt’s love for Star Wars and it being Valentine’s Day, we have a very special installment of “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things”. You will be amazed at what some people will do for a plastic action figure!

So come hang out and tell all your friends about It Burns When I Pee!

Links from this episode: Farmaggedon Fest, Silent Storm Radio,  Star Wars Killing,  Muddy Roots,  Call & Oats

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0058

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0046 “Hollow Wienie”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0046 “Hollow Wienie”

It’s time for the 3rd Annual It Burns When I Pee Halloween Bash! In this episode Blake is joined again by the one and only Amish BJ. What starts out as a Halloween Special quickly turns into talk of kidnapping donkeys, canker soars, and the mysterious disappearance of 150 Facebook fans. BJ and Blake also discuss what Blake needs to do to “Get back the edge”. We get another letter from an attorney during fan feedback, and BJ’s wife interjects to talk about boobies and advises us to get back to talking about Halloween.

And if that wasn’t enough… we have one of the most fun interviews we have ever had on IBWIP. Jakye Orvis, James Hunnicutt, and Rachel Brooke sit down for a little 1 on 3 time with Blake after one of the shows during their tour. This interview is a DONT MISS for sure.  Along the way we will be playing songs from Dog Bite Harris, James Hunnicutt, Disco Lepers, Jayke Orvis, Rachel Brooke, Truckstop Darlin, Johnny Cash, Ronnie Hymes, Sons of Perdition, and Those Poor Bastards.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0046

The White Trash Revival Episode #0062

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0062

Episode 62 is all Jayke Orvis and his music. On the show we have a very extensive very personal interview done by Karen the Queen of White Trash. On this show we’ll play music from The GodDamn Gallow, The 356 Stringband (they can never be 357 without Jayke so 357 – Jayke = 356….yes I am a fan of them boys , but goddammit I’ve been red ass’d ever since he was asked to leave), and also damn n ear all of his solo stuff from “Its all Been Said”. The album is pretty fncking phenomenal……put together with so much talent if music was basketball they would give the first Dream Team a run for its money. Jayke is embarking on his tour as this show is posted so take a listen and REALLY get to know Mr Orvis he is so much more than dreadlocks and a mandolin. Also thank you to Karen who made this show possible, Jayke himself, and Darren of Farmageddon Records.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0062

The White Trash Revival Episode #0045

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0045

Episode 45 features an interview with Darren D. the founder of Farmageddon Records, and in this interview we talk about the upcoming album by Jayke Orvis, the label roster, and what to expect from Farmageddon Records. Also on this show we feature an unreleased track from Jayke Orvis called “Beatin My Head”.  This episode of The White Trash Revival could possibly be the longest yet……just take a look at this playlist: Honky Tonk Hell-Joey Allcorn / Ya Damn Hillbilly-Jimmy Pines / Devils Doorbell-Boxcar Cadavers / Nothin to Lose-Louisiana Hellbenders / Dogs Get Nothin-Medicine Show / American Genocide-Johnny Down and the Syndromes / The Other Half-The Smoke Brothers / The Righteous-The Blind Staggers / The Real Horror Show-The Empty Arms / Rebel-Angie and the Carwrecks /25 Minutes to go-800LB Gorilla / Daddy O-Tip Top Trio / Circus of Pain-Zoletan Orkestar / Duke of Hazard-Ed Revel and the Butchers / Cocaine Habit Blues-Littlegiants / Drinkin on Sunday-Cattletruck / You Cant Call it Country-Good Intentions / Livin on Nothin-Owen Mays / Shes a Real Gem-Simone Kross / Kerville Cemetary-Hutinanny / Times Slippin Away-Reverend Sextons Blues Revival / Haunted House of Rock-Satans Pilgrims / Beg Steal & Borrow-Karling Abbeygate / The Fool on the Stool-Ronnie Rodgers……wheeeew !!!! thats a lot of fnckin music so sit back crack open the cheapest rot gut you can find and enjoy the ride like that time when you were 9 and you hopped on that train and two days and a couple of inappropriate touches by a pack of hobos later you end up in California…….boy did the folks wear that ass out.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0045