March 29, 2025

The Song: Inside and Out Episode #0020 “Son”

As Jeff Shepherd prepares to release his first self titled album, “Jeff Shepherd and The Jailhouse Poets” we invited him on the show to talk about the final track “Son”. This is a special interview for a couple reasons. First we have been eager to have Jeff on since we saw him 2 years ago at Moonrunner Music Festival. The second reason is because Jeff was kind enough to discuss this song, which was spawned from the loss of both of his parents. In the interview we discuss his career in music, his family, songwriting, and of course his favorite football team The Green Bay Packers (this was recorded prior to the Packers loss to Phoenix). We were honored to have Jeff tell the story behind this amazing song.

Links from the show: The Song Facebook, The Song iTunes, IBWIP Twitter, Stitcher, (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off).

Check out the site for lots of updates! and TSIAO Episode #0020

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0160 “Viscous Discus”

Whiskey Chaser and “The Voice” Dustin join us again to pull off one of our best shows in awhile. We have music from Possessed By Paul James, Matthew “Mule” McKinley, and Jeff Shepherd and The Jailhouse Poets. Blake talks a little about the Hub City Music Festival and Jason thinks his locks of love are going to lead into Blake’s mom to fall in love with him. We celebrate 1000 Facebook likes, and by hash tagging #thevoice Dustin gets the attention of Adam Levine.

Blake cracks open his 3 year old “I love being awesome” energy drink. We go through a couple new stories which include a girl in England who wants more money from the government, two English teachers have sex with a 16 year old student, and an Eagles fan steals a guys leg.

Blake finds some interesting posts on Craigslist that he thinks the guys will enjoy and we show our music knowledge with a game of “It Burns When I Sing”. Come join the fun and tell a friend about the show.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP), Sleeping With The Radio On Blog, Sleeping With The Radio On Facebook, Shadows Incorporated Facebook, Taz Co Trade Co, Locks Of Love Plenty Of Fish Profile

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0160