March 31, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0034

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0034

The White Trash Revival episode 34 with your favorite host Donnie Fncking Cash features an interview with one of Bob Wayne’s carnies….not quite an outlaw carnie but he is one of Bob’s carnies so to say……Dog Bite Harris folks, Bob’s favorite merch maniac is now a bad ass country arteest himself (and a damn good one might I add). Also on the show is Elvis Proctor from the label Pint of Happiness introducing ya’ll to some of his artists and their music such as Johnny Pabst, Cattle Truck, The Phil Davis Band, Ronnie Hymes, and Owen May. A few vulgarities by Don and more music by Doop & the Inside Outlaws, Rockin-Billy & the Wild Coyotes, Sam Houston, Jeremy Stedding, Right On John, John Trollman, and The Train Wreckers. A drunken good time ya’ll it can’t get any better.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0034