March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0044 “Ridin’ The Short Bus”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0044 “Ridin’ The Short Bus”

It’s that time of year when kids pack up their new back packs for that first day of school. Now all you parents out there have went all over the city to get all the correct supplies,  forked out tons of money for new cloths, new shoes, and book fees. It Burns When I Pee is here to put a smile back on your faces. On EP44 we have our first ever special guest host, Joey Fuckup from Cheap Beer and BBQ Radio. Thanks to the SKYPE we were able to join together and do the show. Joey did a great job for only finding out he was going to co-host 3 hours before the show.

In this episode Joey and I tell some stories from our days in school. We also call BJ and Nicole, via SKYPE, and talk to them about their time with Cocker during his stay with them. It was cool as hell to have them on the show. We also wish Nicole a happy birthday in typical IBWIP fashion!

Our featured interview is with Slackeye Slim and Joe Perreze, who we got to sit down with recently when they played a show at Bottom’s Up in Pekin Illinois. They talk about their new CD, and we also spin a couple tunes from it. We also feature music from The Rubber Knife Gang, Joecephus and The George Jonestown Massacre, U.S Bombs, Red Eye Junction, and Van Halen.

So come hang out and forget about all the hours that your going to spend helping with your kids do math homework.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0044

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0039

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds
Episode #0039

A new show, a new location, and a new adventure on Whiskey N’ Waterbeds #39. The drunks of the Star City(Roanoke,Va), Joey F*ckup and Whiskey Brian chug down the road to the Queen City of Charlotte,NC to visit and witness a great show at the famous Milestone club. Playing tunes, drinking PBR,Mickey’s, and apple pie shine, we had interviewed legends such as Jeff Williams of the Dead Kings, Clint of The Flat Tires, Joe Dead and Russ Ward of the great Mad Brother Ward & The Dividers. On this show there are tunes from: XXX Smut, Two Headed Phantom, The Strap-Ons, GBH, UK Subs, Agent Orange, Angry Youth and more! Fry those pickles, slap a hog and get ready to ride on in with Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!

For all your Whiskey N’ Waterbeds needs, don’t forget to check out, Section_86, and our myspace page. If you haven’t already, add Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Radio on Facebook!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! WnW Episode #0039

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0038

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds
Episode #0038

Trudging through snow, sleet, and freezing rain, Joey F*ckup and Whiskey Brian battled the elements and backfiring livers once more to make their way to the magical and mysterious Stiff Manor for what promised to be a Christmas party like no other! Slamming 4 Loko’s and Wild Turkey American Honey, “Santa’s bad elves” par-tayed to a punk rock holiday shindig hosted by the beautiful leader of Girlie Punk Productions, Rebecca Stiff….scoring an interview with “Mrs. Stiff” and doin’ quite a bit of alcohol abusing with “Mr. Stiff”, or AA refugees socialized with members of local punk bands Piss Ant, Angry Youth, and Douche Newton! Besides vomit, broken glass, and of course, cops, there were tunes from The King Kobras, The Chevelles, Distillers, The Happy Happy Jihads, 66 Breakout and plenty more! Gather up that snow, numb your toes, and stick that carrot in, it’s time for Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!!

For all your Whiskey N’ Waterbeds needs, don’t forget to check out, Section_86, and our myspace page. If you haven’t already, add Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Radio on Facebook!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! WnW Episode #0038


Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0037

Slipping on their favorite wrestling tights and gear, Whiskey Brian and Joey F*ckup go head-to-head in chug-a-thon of Old Milwaukee and Four Max. As both come out the victor with a fresh beer buzz, they shower up and get ready to embark on their biggest podcast yet. Coasting thru the streets of Roanoke on their trusted red wagon, they find themselves at the Coffee Pot Roadhouse. Inside…. the Kings of Destructo Rock! Busting thru the doors Joey Fuckup and WhiskeyBrian sit down with the legend and frontman of ANTiSEEN, Jeff Clayton for an amazing interview. Being the hosts they are, they present a gift to the god, a jar of happiness. On this Royal Rumble of a show we’ve got tunes from: ANTiSEEN, Sok and the Faggots, The F’n A-holes, Mr. Plow, and Polecat Boogie Revival. We even manage to sneak an extra interview in with Roanoke’s own Piss Ant front man, Wigga Joe and other tunes from: Motorhead, The Legendary Hucklebucks, Nashville Pussy, Ahb Irato and more! Oil yourself up, pump up those high tops, put on your favorite Garfield shirt and prepare to rock! It’s Destructo Maximus on Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!!!

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0036

After a night of complete inebriation and technical issues, Joey F*ckup is feeling sore and Whiskey Brian is left by himself at Whiskey N’ Waterbeds headquarters in hopes to pull out a successful podcast. With all the equipment set up and the room quiet, Whiskey Brian blankly stares at the mic. Luckily grabbing his lucky vintage Rue McClanahan sex tape before he walked out the door. Whiskey Brian quickly realizes he can put out a great show and will soon be rescued by an interview withGuns of Nevada led by Joey Fuckup. More importantly, the show is filled with amazing tunes by: Guns of Nevada, Hillbilly Hellcats, The Hickoids, Sons of Hercules, The Young Werewolves and more. Other arousing tunes from: The Surf Zombies, Jason and the Scorchers, Antiseen, and of course a great interview with Earl from Guns of Nevada! Put on your finest pair of stained thongs and flip flops, crash your local old folks home bingo night, and scream out for some WHISKEY N’ WATERBEDS!

For all your Whiskey N’ Waterbeds needs, don’t forget to check out, Section_86, and our myspace page. If you haven’t already, add Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Radio on Facebook!

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0035

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds
Episode #0035

Joey F*ckup and Whiskey Brian find themselves on the run from the local fuzz once again. Shockingly both fitting on a banana seat bicycle they peddle as fast as they can towards Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Headquarters. They peddled so fast they had just enough time to pick up some cheap wine at their ghetto grocery and make bets on the classic game “Which Drunk Bum Will Fall Down First”. Drinking a neon yellow wine that glows from outer space, these drunks go thru technical difficulties to produce their first live show on Breaking free from the troubles, the sleazy duo brings you killer tunes and an interview with The Afterdarks. This episode of Whiskey N’ Waterbeds has it all, tunes from: Heavy Trash, the Middle Fingers, XXX Smut, The York Brothers, Jared Thomas Lord, and the Afterdarks. Of course a KY Slip and Slide of a podcast would not be complete without the Dead Boys, Brimstone Howl, The Breakaways, Sir Bald Diddley & His Hounourable Right Big Wigs and more! So pull out that greased rubber glove, your bucket cold water, and take those prisoners in your basement cause everyone will confess to Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!!!

Don’t forget to check out our website for shows, reviews and more @

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! WnW Episode #0035

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0034

Keystone Ice…Southpaw Light…Olympia…Whiskey…N…Waterbeds…Joey F*ckup…Whiskey Brian…all fine names for the low-brow, have all been stewed together for the latest knuckle draggin’ testicle-bruisin’ crotch-teaser known as “Episode 34” in this saga of white trash revelry! For this blue-ballin’ humdinger there’s 800LB Gorilla, Jehosophat Blow, Affliction Kid, Trash 5, the Runs, Hotel War, Chuck Norris Experiment, Lothar, and even a special song written for Mr. Fuckup by those arse-kickers themselves, the Middle Fingers!

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0033

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds
Episode #0033

Oh what a great first show for! On another fast trek to alcoholic annihilation, Whiskey Brian and Joey F*ckup gargled with Mad Dog 20/20 and brushed their teeth with Milwaukee’s Best Ice in preparation with their house party with comedy country outlaws Prison Mattress! Besides the liquor drinkin’ and guitar pickin’, there’s tunes from the honored guests, along with Alan King & the Beer Drinking Christians, Polecat Boogie Revival, Mr. Plow, Chuck Maultsby & His Old Band, Bitch Slappers, Bungee Deth Fest, the Afterdarks, Guns Of Nevada, and more! So grab ya some possum tacos, pour some Cisco, and put on your favorite crotchless panties, ’cause it’s time for “WHISKEY ‘N’ WATERBEDS”!!!

Don’t forget to check out our website for shows, reviews and more @

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! WnW Episode #0033