March 29, 2025

IBWIP Episode #0207 “#RENAMEJASON”

Blake, Heather, Jason, and Vitamin D discuss the following topics: Vitamin D is BACK and he is exclusive, 50 Cent is broke, Jason has a life changing event, #renamejason contest, IBWIP News: Dead Raccoon, Gangsta Happy Meal, and more, Tails From Retails, Jagger Mode, and Say You Say Me.

Music by The Honky Tonk Hustlas and Junior Brown.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), (Use promo code IBWIP20 for 20% off), Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0207

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0043 (08/07/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0043 (08/07/2009)

“Welcome to Zaneland vs Sonic Revelations”

This weeks bootleg set features Zane Campbell recorded on Mad Buffalo Productions back in 2005/2006. Along the vast and ruined plains of his mind, as the brew in the stills are cooking and his blood is boiling from random shots of adrenaline, Zane Campbell picks up his guitar and heads for the local saloon under a cloudy night’s sky. With a rowdy voice and with chords fingered from the same hands that shaved his rough beard with a rusty razor that same morning, he barrels through the swinging doors, makes his way to the stage and belts out whatever the hell he is feeling…  Welcome to Zaneland!

Also featured is the new album from the band BECOMING called “Sonic Revelations”.  Jason, from Becoming, was on the chat board all show and I played 4 songs from their brand new album.

Artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: Camptown Ladies, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Scarlet Sins, Bar Fly Blues Band, Pumpjack, Kodiak Jack, Junior Brown, Rebel Son, W.A.S.P., Texas Hippie Coalition, Ted Nugent, White Rhino, Tommie Brewster, and more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my email ( or Myspace Page in a comment/message during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0043

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0036 (06/12/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0036 (06/12/2009)

“Can Somebody Give Me A Damned Ole Cigarette”

This weeks Bootleg will be featuring an OLD SCHOOL Hank III and the Damn Band country set from 2001.  This bootleg was recorded in a local bar behind the Grand Old Opry after Hank III’s TV appearance on that show. Plus I play a couple more songs from an earlier 1999 bootleg.

Also I feature 2 three song blocks of music; one set from Deep Purple and the other set from Buzzkill.

Other artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: Popa Chubby, Broken Family Band, Bar Fly Blues Band, Boss Kean’s Ditch, Gringo, Junior Brown, Hickoids, Ryan McGarvey, Gov’t Mule, Zane Campbell and the Gravel Pit Ramblers, and more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my email ( or Myspace Page in a comment/message during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0036

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0022 (02/20/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0022 (02/20/2009)

“The Future?…It’s All Ready In Progress”

This show will mark the 1st anniversary of The Bootleg Asylum Radio Show getting podcasted at Section_86.  Thanks for all your the support and we are looking forward to this year of great music!

This week featuring a very cool 40 minute bootleg set of Guit-Steel music from the great Junior Brown recorded in San Fransisco in 1993 {great set list}. Also i feature two 4 song blocks of music, One from Dwight Yoakam and the other is a kick ass band from Texas called Pumpjack!

Other artists on this weeks B.A.R.S. All Request Friday Night include: ZZ Top, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Thee Merry Widows, Sammytown Jones, Two Tons Of Steel, Molly Hatchet, Joecepus and the GJM, Slow Gun ShoGun, Crestlers, plus many more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0022

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show (03/28/2008) Episode #0006

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show (03/28/2008)

This week’s show is bringing awareness to the cause of getting Hank Williams reinstated BACK into the Grand Ole Opry. We have an interview with Keith Nelter of; who is working as an Assistant director to Blake Judd of Keith is also working on a Hank 3 on a DVD entitled “Reinstate Hank” that will hopefully be out later this year. Also lots of Hank Williams music by ole Hank himself and other artists covering his tunes. Other artists include: Hank Williams III, Junior Brown, The The, Waylon Jennings, Dwight Yoakam, Ricky Skaggs, John Fogerty, and Lamitte and the other Fingers Band. Plus Jared Morningstar and Onemorename have a conversation about the reinstatement of Hank, his life, and music… Plus we have some phone shoutOUTs to Hank Williams from members of the cussin’ board!

Help bring awareness to the website and please sign the petition online. You can also look for the reinstate Hank signature book that will be at all the upcoming reinstate Hank rallys taking place this year! All info on the cause and rallys for Hank Williams reinstatement can be found at And as always thanks for your support!!!

Thanks for your support of my BARS Podcasts! Requests for future featured artists bootleg shows are very welcome… Keeping the music ALIVE and being heard!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0006