February 22, 2025

Blue Ribbon Radio Episode #0054

Blue Ribbon Radio
Episode #0054

Ladies, and gentleman, it’s the return of Blue Ribbon Radio! After a brief hiatus, I’m back and drunker than ever. I discuss where I’ve been, and bring you some of the finest music around. Featuring tunes from Justin Otto, Hellbound Glory, Townes Van Zandt, Mountain Sprout, Adam Lee, and many more.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and BRR #0054

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0049 “Mustachio”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0049 “Mustachio”

Just when you thought we had fell back asleep, It Burns When I Pee is coming at y’all with EP49 “Mustachio” In this episode we launch the career of yet another Christy, Liam starts off the show and does an amazing job. I love that kid!
We also have two great interviews. First we talk with Jason from the Muddy Roots Festival in preparation for the big event. We also have an amazing interview with the one and only Little Lisa Dixie. This interview is unlike any other one that we have ever done. Lisa joins us for a whole segment and tries her best to keep Amish BJ and Blake in line. She also plays a couple songs while kickin it with us on Skype.

As for the music on this episode we play songs from Justin Otto, Joe Huber, James Hunnicutt, The Steakin’ Healys, Justin Townes Earle, Henrick XIII and The Devil Grass Pickers, Brent Amaker and The Rodeo, and a wold premiere song from Last False Hope, as well as a song from Little Lisa Dixie’s new album.

But you hardcore IBWIP fans are asking… what the hell are you and Amish BJ going to talk about on this episode?! Here is just a quick run down of some of the things we touch on: Being Cock Strong, Head Wind, Cocker still missing, our balls, Camp Crusty, BJ’s new feud with Verbal Abuse and Canada, and how Blake and BJ are going to help the love birds and strangers at The Muddy Roots Festival.

Come check out the show and enjoy, or be offended. Either way it’s a good time or your money back!

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and http://www.ibwip.com/ IBWIP Episode #0049



Blue Ribbon Radio Episode #0053

Blue Ribbon Radio
Episode #0053

On this edition of your favorite debauched podcast I review the brand new Honky Tonk Hustlas album “South Of Nashville.” The usual drunk ramblings, and announcement of a new collaboration with Outlaw Radio, and music from James Hunnicutt, Tyler Smith, Last False Hope, Cattletruck, Justin Otto, Nellie Wilson & The Hellbound Honeys, and more.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and BRR #0053

Blue Ribbon Radio Episode #0049

Blue Ribbon Radio
Episode #0049

Flying solo on episode #49, I discuss the aftermath of the first ever Blue Ribbon Radio Travelling Tour Of Awful and lay out the plans for my next trip of debauchery. Join me for several bottles of three dollar red wine, some stories of drinking our way around the south, and of course the show is jam packed with great music from the likes of Slim Cessna’s Auto Club, Adam Lee and the Dead Horse Experience, Justin Otto, Gram Parsons, Pete Berwick, and many more. Tune in, and bring your spare liver, you’re gonna need it.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and BRR #0049

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0047 “GVTL”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0047 “GVTL”

I know I told y’all that I was through doing the show, but the opportunity to work with Amish BJ and Chris Miller and talk about our new GVTL game was too awesome to pass up. So I pulled out the old podcasting equipment and pressed record. Now your probably wondering, “What the hell is GVTL?” You’ll just have to listen to find out! Make sure that you have a pen and paper because your going to want to follow along (or start composing your complaint letter). Normally I give alot more detail in our show notes but I dont want to spoil any of the laughs. I will tell you that we play music from 500 Miles to Memphis (NEW), The Wild Boars (NEW), Adam Lee & The Dead Horse Sound Company (NEW), The Honky Tonk Hustlers, The Blind Staggers (NEW), Scott H. Biram, and Split Lip Rayfield.

I hope you enjoy this special edition of IBWIP. Thanks to all the fans who have reached out to me and expressed their enjoyment of the show. Send your comments and complaints to blake@ibwip.com. I am sure we will hear from a few of you!

Links from this show: Blue Ribbon Radio, Rachel Brooke, Justin Otto, Muddy Roots Festival, Dog Bite Harris, Owen Mays, Bob Wayne, and Little Lisa Dixie.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and http://www.ibwip.com/ IBWIP Episode #0047

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0010 with Joe Buck & Christoph Mueller

Joe Buck & Christoph Mueller

Lucky for you, we don’t care if you have been naughty or nice! As the holiday season approaches, the folks at It Burns When I Pee get an early start handing out gifts to all their loyal fans. With their 10th episode, Blake and the crew bring you a double interview show! Joe Buck, from Hank III’s Damn Band, kicks things off and talks shop with Blake about everything from his outs with The Legendary Shack Shakers to why Nashville is the way it is today. In the 2nd interview artist Christoph Mueller (from Germany) talks about his love of REAL country music and about some of the projects he is currently working on. These are two don’t miss interviews. Cheyenne helps stuff fans stocking with tons of great music from folks like Creech Holler, Slackeye Slim, Honky Tonk Special, Justin Otto, and much more. And if you look behind the tree I am sure you will find a couple other surprise gifts as well. Come join It Burns When I Pee for another inappropriate walk through real country music… leave the fruitcake at home through because It Burns When I Pee is serving up their biggest giveaway yet! You know as well as I do that the in-laws are going to get on your nerves so DOWNLOAD the show, lock yourself in the bathroom, and wrap your hands around…. IT BURNS WHEN I PEE!

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ IBWIP Episode #0010