March 31, 2025

The Hank in Chains Show Episode #0016 (10/29/2008)

The Hank in Chains Show
Episode #16 (10/29/2008)

After a three-week hiatus, The Hank in Chains Show returns! Episode 16 will feature the music of one of the most unique bands in underground music, Those Poor Bastards. Over the past few years, Lonesome Wyatt and The Minister have perfected the sound many refer to as “gothic country”. Whether or not you believe the label fits, their eerie, dark songs certainly would William Faulkner and Flannery O’Connor proud. Mr. Ecks and I will present and discuss songs they have released over the years, including tracks from their brand new album, Satan is Watching.

Artists/bands on this week’s show include: AC/DC, Hank Williams III, Joe Grushecky, Steve Earle, Route 44, Brian McGee and The Hollow Speed, John Lennon, Black Eyed Vermillion, Lucky Tubb, Cornpone, Watermelon Slim and The Workers, and Aerosmith.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! THICS Episode #0016