March 30, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0057 “Hay Is For Horses, Loveless Is For You”

2012 is going to be a big year for IBWIP and it starts with our first episode of the year. In this episode we feature an interview with Bloodshot Records recording artist Lydia Loveless. In the interview we discuss the new album, Indestructible Machine, as well as her song writing process. We also talk about the inspiration for her song “Steve Earle” as well as a bunch of other topics.

Besides playing a triple shot of Lydia, we also spin tunes from The Meat Purveyors, Scott H. Biram, Wayne “The Train” Hancock, Scroat Belly, Mekons, Justin Townes Earle, and Dexter Romweber Duo. All these artists have been or are a part of the Bloodshot Records catalog. But we don’t stop there. As always we bring you some great laughs as well.

In this episode we continue our new segment, “Stupid People Doing Stupid Things.” This is a don’t miss! Amish BJ updates us on Christyfest, drinks a 4 Loco, and fights with Mr. Ed for air time. Our darling Coldbeer Coley continues to get  more comfortable with each passing show. 3…2…1…CONTACT! She reads Fan Feedback, admits she likes to ride “horses” and her Mr. Ed story is actually a short one! Blake realizes he is an asshole, gets interviewed for his presidential campaign, and confesses he is a “minute man”.

Come on over to the all new and download episode 57. Tell your friends, family, and enemies where you find the best podcast on the interweb.

Links from this episode: Guy who “loves” horses, Stupid People Doing Stupid Things Video, Bloodshot Records, 4 Loko

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0057