March 29, 2025

The Hank in Chains Show Episode #0021 (12/17/2008)

The Hank in Chains Show
Episode #0021 (12/17/2008)

Episode 21 of The Hank in Chains Show will feature the music of the incredible band, The Drive-By Truckers. Even though they have been classified as a southern rock band, they aren’t exactly mindless stars-and-bars-waving rebs. Patterson Hood, Mike Cooley, and the band may be proud of their roots, but they also aren’t afraid to point out the ugly sides of certain sects of Southern life as well… much like the great Southern gothic writers of decades past. Oh… and the sound of their classic triple-guitar attack never gets old!

Artists/bands on this week’s show include: Nirvana, Jerry Lee Lewis, Graham Lindsey, The Pine Box Boys, BR549, John Fogerty, Stone Temple Pilots, Double Eagle Standard, The Gin Palace Jesters, Buddy Holly, Horse Cave Trio, The Dry County Crooks, and Pearl Jam.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! THICS Episode #0021