March 30, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0037 “Banned In The U.S.A.”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0037 “Banned In The U.S.A.”

The crew at IBWIP are starting the year off with a BANG by releasing Episode 37 “Banned In The U.S.A”. This episode will go down as one of the most con-traversal show EVER! First, Blake and Uncle Bubba discusses having their show art banned from Facebook. We then play a voice mail from a listener that has a few choice words for Uncle Bubba and some advise for Mrs. Bubba. Blake talks about an “off color” joke that he told at work and that sparks the debate of what is offensive and off color.

As for the music we have a great feature interview and music by Peewee Moore. We also play cuts from Heinrich 13 and The Devilgrass Pickers, Opie Hendrick, as well as Ando and The Jolly Barrells. As a special treat we dial up the phone and have a great chat with the lovely and talented Kara Clark regarding the release of her new album, Sinnin’. We will play the title track from the record as well.

Some of the other things we talk about in this episode includes: Shitty “throwback” Mountain Dew, The Hangover, Was The Tin Man gay, Mrs. Bubba’s bra’s, the super natural, Uncle Bubba’s two cents, and a rectum vs. an anus. So please come join us in the dirty stalls of It Burns When I Pee!

Links from this show: Kara Clark (EPK), The Hangover, Verbal Abuse Podcast, Mountain Dew (throwback), Ghost Adventures, Peewee Moore (live shows).

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0037