March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0005 with Ward Harrison

Ward “Cousin Spits” Harrison

Just when you thought It Burns When I Pee couldn’t get any better, we slap Episode #5 against your computer monitor. In this episode we feature a killer interview with Ward Harrison from The Hackensaw Boys and play a couple of their songs. We also have a special appearance from Dr. Richard Hung, who has an important message for you about PCS. Of course we couldn’t have an episode of It Burns When I Pee without the lovely and talented Cheyenne! There is all this and much more so right click on the download button and save target as. Have no fear… It Burns When I Pee is here!

Any questions? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0005

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0003 with Gary Roadarmel

Gary Roadarmel

It Burns When I Pee only gets better and better and it shows in Episode #3. We have a great interview with Gary Roadarmel from Porter Hall Tennessee. We play a couple of their songs and have a great time with Gary. We also unveil the 1st ever I.B.W.I.P Phony Phone Call. It will have you pissing your pants. It is called Walgreen’s. We also have a lot of other great stuff including a couple voice mail’s from fans and a couple of I.B.W.I.P commercials. Don’t screw yourself over… download this show!

Any questions? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! IBWIP Episode #0003