March 29, 2025

The Hank in Chains Show Episode #0006 (07/23/2008)

The Hank in Chains Show
Episode #0006 (07/23/2008)

Episode 6 of The Hank in Chains Show will feature the music of The Father of Country Music, Jimmie Rodgers. During only a six-year recording career, cut short tragically due to his death from tuberculosis. Rodgers still managed to write and record dozens of incredible songs in a style that combined folk, blues, jazz, and of course… the yodel. Eric Morningstar joins me as we discuss The Singing Brakeman’s music… songs that continue to inspire listeners eight decades after his recording career began.

Artists/bands on this week’s show include: The Band, Soundgarden, Buck Owens, Joey Allcorn, Paul McCartney, Jordan Zevon, Old Crow Medicine Show, Queen, and Cornpone.

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! THICS Episode #0006