March 29, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0031

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0031

An interview and songs by the very talented James Hunnicutt or THEE James Hunnicutt as I like to call him. Music by Cotton Jackson, Peter Head and the Pitchfork Militia, The Skeeballs, Robert Lovett, Quarter Mile Combo, Slakjaw,Land of Blood and Sunshine, and Livestock Davies and the Lowdown Snakes. A CD review for the band D.B. Cooper and the Hard Cash Band “Down the Same Damn Road” not to mention a couple of tracks off that CD. Not to much vulgarities due to me being stoked and a tad bit nervous getting the opportunity to interview someone of James’ talent. Oh and not to mention I was buzzing off of a “Hillbilly Hoodrat” (my special concoction of 24oz. of colt 45 and 24oz. of Pabst Blue Ribbon) y’all should try it.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0031