December 22, 2024

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds Episode #0041

Whiskey N’ Waterbeds
Episode #0041

It’s part surf, it’s part twang… it’s Whiskey N’ Waterbeds #41. After the unfortunate exit of Joey F*ckup, Whiskey Brian is left to man all battle stations. Pulled from his sweaty palms, Whiskey Brian presents a surf/country themed episode. There are tunes from: Ronnie & His Twangin Little Fellow, The Defibulators, The Surf Zombies, Hillbilly Casino, New Roanoke Jug Band, Johnny Cash, The Ted Painter Band and much more! So get out that surf wax, put on your favorite pair of chaps and tune into Whiskey N’ Waterbeds!

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Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! WnW Episode #0041