February 22, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0043 “Remember That One Time”

It Burns When I Pee
Episode #0043 “Remember That One Time”

On this episode of It Burns When I Pee we turn the table around and poke fun at ourselves. Blake, Uncle Bubba, and Mrs. Bubba tell some embarrassing tales about one another. These stories include fire, running over people, poor safety patrol, and custom car painting. Of course nothing tops the NEWEST and most embarrassing story in IBWIP history! It’s amazing what Blake will do to reach 400 fans.

Episode 43 “Remember that one time…” also features NEW music from Slackeye Slim, Slate Dump, and Big Jugs. We also spin tunes from The Calamity Cubes, The .357 String Band, The Bastards of Apocalypse, Joey Henry’s Dirty Sunshine Club, and Skid Row! At the end of the show we also feature a short interview with the guys from The Calamity Cubes when they were in town in June.

We are also proud to announce that IBWIP has two new employees. Diva Dave and Encyclopedia Billy’s lives will never be the same! We also read some fan feedback, give an update on where Cocker has been hiding, and end the argument of who is going to read the contact information. Also, Blake decides he is one of the Beatles, plays the trumpet and Mrs. Bubba gets cocky with her new found podcasting fame.

Links and more: Diva Dave, Encyclopedia Billy, Cocker’s Photo Album (Updated), IBWIP & The Calamity CubesBottom’s Up, and Chevy Citation.

Any questions or comments? call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ and http://www.ibwip.com/ IBWIP Episode #0043

IBWIP, Blake, Mrs. Bubba, Uncle Bubba, Slackeye Slim, Slate Dump, Big Jugs, The Calamity Cubes, The .357 String Band, The Bastards of Apocalypse, Joey Henry’s Dirty Sunshine Club, Skid Row, Cocker