March 31, 2025

IBWIP Episode #0200 “8 Year Anniversary”

It’s been a wild wild ride the past 8 years, but we made it to EP200. In this episode we packed everything up and headed to The High Note, in Pekin IL to do our show in front of a LIVE audience. We also invited Flannel Mouth, Event Horizon, and our good friends Brett Conlin and The Ghost Boots Band to help us celebrate. Locks of Love Jason, Intern Heather, “The Voice” Dustin, Big E, and Mollz all shared the stage throughout the show to join in the fun. Even Section 86 executive Andrew Hughes joined us to run the board for the show.

In this episode we do some of your favorite IBWIP bits including, IBWIP News Bulletin, Blake’s List, Would You Rather, and It Burns When I Sing. During It Burns When I Sing we witness an amazing comeback win. We talk about Heather finally going to a strip club and there is a big discussion regarding the Smurfs as well. We even give the audience a chance to do a little Q&A which turned out to be pretty informative.

We have tons of thank you’s on the show but the most important thank you goes out to all our listeners and supporters over the last 8 years. Thank you to everyone. We hope you enjoy this celebration episode as much as we enjoyed doing it.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, Craft (Use promo code IBWIP for 10%-20% off)

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0200

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0154 “An Interview with The Urban Pioneers”

We are so glad that we finally were able to get the Urban Pioneers on the show. This is not only available as a podcast but as a vid-cast too! Jared, Liz, and Guido join me in the green room at The High Note in Pekin, IL to chat for a few. We discuss Guido officially joining the band, Muddy Roots 2014, and plans for a follow up album to “Addicted to The Road”. We talk to Guido about classic cars and the story behind his bass. We also ask Jared and Liz about their recent engagement and their plans for the future as a couple. And finally IBWIP asks the hard hitting questions that you want to know.. what are some of their pet peeves with one another.

Featured Songs: “It’s Autumn Time” and “Apparition In The Fog”

Vid-Cast Version Of This Interview

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0154

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0142 “An Interview with Slaughter Daughters”

With our new format we are now releasing interview episodes as BONUS episodes that will be released on Tuesday’s. Our first one is the bad ass gals of Slaughter Daughter. On this episode, they perform live “The Last Moon Ballet” and “Siren” with the help of their friends from Larry & His Flask, Dallin Bulkley, and Andrew Carew. Ariana Celestine and Cecilia Raheb then hand out under a street light outside of The High Note in Pekin IL and talk to us for awhile. We talk about how they met, how the band got it’s name, and how they write songs. We also discuss tattoo’s, musical influences, and relationships. We discuss a guy named Reco, Ariana’s touring dog, and much much more. Come check this episode out as a vidcast as well as a podcast.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0142

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0137 “An Interview with Graham Lindsey”

What do you do when Graham Lindsey sends you a Facebook message and says he has a new album coming out and if you want a copy? Damn right you say HELL YA! Then when he messages you again and says he is coming through town you say, “FUCK YA!” So that is how it got started… I have never been so nervous to do an interview as I was on this one (and it shows). Sure we had Graham on EP63 but that was different, it was over the phone. Here I was sitting right next to, in my opinion, one of the greatest songwriters of our generation. In the interview, we talk about his new album, “Digging Up Birds: A Collection of Rarities and Others”, where the songs came from, and what has kept him busy the last year or so. We also talk about Old Skull, the punk band he was in when he was 12 years old. Graham sets the record straight about a false Wiki Page statement. We talk about him and his wife Tina (who is the most awesome gal in the world!), along with his current tour with Billy Cook. It’s a great interview and I was honored to be able to spend some time with Graham and his wife while they were in town.

P.S. I also learned that I cannot record worth a crap in that huge room at The High Note; so thanks to Brody Wellman of Carrie Nation and The Speakeasy for making that audio listenable.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0137

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0134 “An Interview with Joseph Huber”

Joseph Huber has a new album out entitled, “The Hanging Road” and we were lucky enough to sit down with him to talk about it. We pulled up a couple bar stools onto the famous pickin’ porch at The High Note in Pekin IL. In the interview we discuss the new album, talk about what makes the perfect song, and his recent nuptials. We also discuss his wood-working and even throw in a couple .357 String Band questions. Not only is this episode available as a podcast but we also have it as a vidcast on our PeeAVision youtube page. The video includes a live performance of two new songs from his new album including: Coming Down From You as well as Same River Twice. He is accompanied by Guido Grease Rag on bass and Jason Loveall on fiddle. Make sure to check it out as well.

Links from the show: Joseph Huber Music Website, Joseph Huber Wood-working Website, The High Note in Pekin, IL, Muddy Roots Records,  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP)

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0134

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0126 “An Interview with Bob Wayne”

I know we say this alot, but this truly is one of the best interviews we have had in a long time here at IBWIP.  We were lucky enough to sit down face to face with Bob Wayne when he was coming through Pekin during his latest tour. Bob has tons of great”road” stories and he shares a few in this interview. Hear Bob talk about his new album “Back To The Camper” which is due out on April 21st. We also talk about touring overseas, Red Simpson, movies, and of course the beard. Bob tells stories about some of the out of control shows he has played and also about playing a show with a naked stripper in his face. We also had fans submit some questions for Bob and our fans didn’t let us down. Find out who Bob would kill in a zombie apocalypse, which is his favorite lube, and if he has ever shit his pants on the road. This is a DON’T MISS interview. Thanks again to The High Note in Pekin and to Bob Wayne for sitting down with us.

Links from the show:  IBWIP Twitter, IBWIP Facebook, IBWIP Event Calander, Pee-A-Vision YouTube Page, iTunes, Stitcher, (Use the Code IBWIP), Wolf Creek, Frailty, Back To The Camper Pre-Order

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0126