February 22, 2025

The White Trash Revival Episode #0052

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0052

Alright hell billies on episode 52 here our guest will be Adam Lee Cogswell from the band Cogswell. If you don’t know him you will after this, because you gonna want to have his music in your collection. This episode is going to be like the time when you was getting ready to start kindergarten and your mom took you to safety city. You know what safety city is ……its where the cops teach you about rules to be safe when starting school……anyway remember how mom didn’t know she had a warrant for her arrest and the cops went to arrest her and there was a scuffle. Remember when the cops grabbed her and her tittie popped out and all the kids squealed with delight so they let go of her to cover her up, but that’s when she clocked one and knocked his ass out and then we had to run like hell out of there and stay with that biker gang til shit blew over. GOOD TIMES like this episode because on here we have music by: Flatfoot, Fountain City Ramblers, Whalebone Farmhouse, Hellbilly Club, Nathan Payne, Jason Webley, The Legendary Shack Shakers, Big Jugs, The Staggerers, Swindle P. Hurst, The Sunsets, Lazy Brad Lewis, The Groovy Rednecks, Angry Johnny & the Killbillies, and Viva Le Vox.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0052

The White Trash Revival Episode #0050

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0050

I remember the time when I was 8 I was sent to live with my father for the summer in West Virginia. My mother had a one night stand with the tilt-a-whirl operator at the local carnival……she was 13 he was 27. Anyway I was sent to stay with him during that summer he got paroled .His parents were some devout Christians (you know the snake handling kind) and he lived with them, so the first weekend I was there they took me to church.  The church really freaked me out people drinkin’ stuff from a mason jar and holdin snakes while dancing and hollerin. Well ol granddad (not the whiskey) handed me a mossy creek copper head and……….I’ll be god damned if that sum bitch didn’t bite me 13 times.  Well needless to say i was rushed to the local hospital and deemed the spawn of Satan.  I haven’t seen my father or my grandparents since then and really the only reason I brought this story up was because on this episode I interview the Reverend Deadeye and during the interview we discuss religion, music and more so stay tuned ……also on the show we have music by J.B. Beverly and the Wayward Drifters, C.W. Ayon, Lefty Frizell, Town Branch Bluegrass, The Calamity Cubes, Bill Cardinall, Javier & The Innocent Sons, The Hitchers, Doug Sahm, The Staggerers, Emily Bonn & The Vivants, The Prairie Belt Boys, The Golden Cadillacs, The Coyote Bill Band, The Driftin Outlaw Band, and The Give Em Hell Boys …..so crack open some rot gut, crush up some pharmaceuticals to snort, and sit back and enjoy bitches.

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates!
https://www.section86.com/ TWTR Episode #0050