March 29, 2025

It Burns When I Pee Episode #0064 “LIVE In The Morning”

This is our 3rd LIVE episode and we are starting to get the hang of it. In this episode we put an IBWIP spin on the typical FM radio morning show. We have traffic report, weather, and a tragic special report from our field reporter Jim Beam. Amish BJ, Blake, and Coldbeer also do a great job of keeping you informed of the time throughout the show.

We feature a great interview with Joe Huber (formerly of .357 String Band) and talk to him about his new solo album Tongues of Fire. We also spin tunes from The Steeldrivers, Whiskey Daredevils, and H.R Gertner.

During the show we take a moment to celebrate Amish BJ’s birthday with a catchy little tune. Blake tries to call our first intern applicant to interview, but she doesn’t answer. There is a new game that we come up with called “Is It Porn?” and we are forced to play another round of our fans favorite game… “Would You Rather?” We have a call from Blake’s life partner, TexasJeff. We also try to play the new IBWIP Promo video but Blake’s computer says NO.

Make sure to check out our calendar page at IBWIP to see when we are doing live tapings and releasing episodes as podcasts. Also check out the calendar page at and check out their show schedule. We have a great time with this episode and having all the fans in the chat really was awesome.

Links from this weeks show:, Is It Porn? (Adult Content), Pee-A-Vision

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456 | (203) IBW-IP11.

Check out the site for lots of updates! and IBWIP Episode #0064

The White Trash Revival Episode #0056

The White Trash Revival
Episode #0056

On episode 56 the featured guest is Curtis Eller……and for those of you that don’t know who he is…..well, for the most part he is a one man band. Just Curtis and his banjo. Picture this its the 1800’s and you walk into any saloon U.S.A. and the entertainment on stage well there he is folks that’s Curtis Eller. Curtis Eller could also be an extra in Gangs of New York, But beating your ass with a banjo instead of a club. How often can you get a history lesson when listening to music and it still be cool? Well with Curtis that is what happens. So sit back and open up some Jamessons and get to know Mr Eller, and also hear some great tunes by Foddershock, Dog Bite Harris, Edwin Clarence Graves, Ronnie Hymes, Barbecue Bob & the Spareribs, Thee Merry Widow, Kelly Thomas & Ryan Malot, Whiskey Daredevils, Bluemoon Rising, Graveyard BBQ, Western Electric, The Winchester Brothers, Buffalofitz, Kathy Boyd & Phoenix Rising, and Christophe.

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! TWTR Episode #0056

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0044 (08/14/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0044 (08/14/2009)

“Two Hours of Peace, Love and Music”

No bootleg artist set this week, Instead I just play requested music. A show full of bands that WERE NOT at Woodstock! hahahahaa! All the other radio stations and tv shows took care of all the bands that WERE THERE this last week. I’m taking care of the ones that were NOT!

Artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: Becoming, Gary Moore, Voodoo Johnson, Night Horse, Ghostwitch, Fat Dave Sound Wave, V8 Wankers, Wicked Society, Those Poor Bastards, Whiskey Daredevils, White Knuckle Trucker, Black Oak Arkansas, Thin Lizzy, Rebels Without Applause, Double Eagle Standard, BR549, Ted Nugent, Bearfoot Hookers, Zo2, and more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my email ( or Myspace Page in a comment/message during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0044

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0033 (05/15/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0033 (05/15/2009)

“Come on Man!!!”

This weeks Bootleg will be 40 minutes with Monte Montgomery recorded 4/10/09 at Dan’s Silverleaf in Denton, TX. Hailed by Guitar Player Magazine in 2004 as one of “The Top 50 All-Time Greatest Guitarists”,  Montgomery has also won the “Best Acoustic Guitar Player” award at the SXSW Festival’s Austin Music Awards seven years in a row (1998-2004).  The only artist to have ever done so! Also I play a 4 song block from Black Oak Arkansas‘s “High On The Hog” album; along with a 4 song block featuring the Cowslingers/Whiskey Daredevils.

Other artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: J Giels Band, Dwight Yoakam, Mitra, Local H, Zo2, Hells Fire Sinners, Johnny Pabst, Alternative Carpark, Wylie & the Wild West, and more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my email ( or Myspace Page in a comment/message during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (206) 339-8419.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0033

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0026 (03/27/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0026 (03/27/2009)

“Dig out the cardboard sign… We Play for Food & a Ride to the Next Town”

This weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show is featuring a GREAT sounding bootleg from Bob Wayne and the Outlaw Carnies recorded on March 8th, 2009 at the Abilene in Rochester, NY. This show is a first time bootleg recording from Mike Kerr aka Leftyaxe; the host of LP Sides Only @ and a good friend of this show. I also play 4 songs from the Hernando album by North Mississippi Allstars that was released last year.

Other artists on this weeks Bootleg Asylum Radio Show include: The Blasters, Sasquatch and the Holy Hellraisers, Whiskey Daredevils, Dave Hole, High School Caesar, Thee Merry Widows, Bearfoot Hookers, Popa Chubby, Roy Fox and the Country Blues, and more.

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my email ( or Myspace Page in a comment/message during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0026

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show Episode #0024 (03/13/2009)

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show
Episode #0024 (03/13/2009)

“Its All About The Music”

This week I am featuring a very cool 30 minute bootleg set of Great Mississippi/Texas Style Blues music from Omar and the Howlers. This show was recorded at Austin City Limits in 1988 (a GREAT Setlist!). Also I feature two 4 song blocks of music; One from ZZ Top and the other is Thin Lizzy.

Other artists on this weeks B.A.R.S. All Request Friday Night include: Black Oak Arkansas, Dwight Yoakam, Cowslingers, Whiskey Daredevils, Saxon, White Knuckle Trucker, Sasquatch and the Holy Hellrasiers, Rebel Son, Rose Tattoo, plus more..

From now on the Bootleg Asylum Radio Show, Onemorename will be mostly taken all requests from you! If needed, I will fill in some of the requests. Send all requests to my Myspace Page in a comment or message form during the week and I will play all requests!

Any questions or comments? Call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0024

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show (03/14/2008) Episode #0004

Bootleg Asylum Radio Show (03/14/2008)

Get ready to be STUNG this week with the featured bootleg artist “W.A.S.P.” recorded in 1986 at the Sun Plaza Hall in Tokyo, Japan this is a very nice sounding show and Blackie Lawless leads them through a great setlist of tunes! And as always Jared Morningstar and I review albums/bootlegs/mypace bands. This week is the new album from Those Poor Bastards called “the Plauge”. Other artists include: Gin Palace Jesters, Sleep, Those Poor Bastards, Clinton Miller, Pumpjack, and Whiskey Daredevils.

Thanks for your support of my BARS Podcasts! Requests for future featured artists bootleg shows are very welcome… Keeping the music ALIVE and being heard!

Any questions or comments? call (309) 761-4456.

Check out the site for lots of updates! BARS Episode #0004